View Full Version : Sleeping way too much

10-10-2012, 07:30 PM
Since i started to have anxiety attacks, iv been sleeping more than usual.. I think its because i dont like this reality and i just wanna dream and be in peace.. Is it normal.. Isn't the opposite for you guys????!!!!!!!

10-10-2012, 10:44 PM
I think it's completely normal. I have really bad fatigue so normally I'm always tired but I completely understand the feeling of wanting to sleep anxiety away.

10-10-2012, 11:33 PM
When i first started getting panic and anxiety i use to force myself to sleep all the time because just like you i didnt want to deal with reality. The only time i felt safe and at peace was when i was sleeping. I dont know if its normal but i do know that its what happens to some of us with anxiety. Good luck to you.

10-11-2012, 01:10 AM
Since i started to have anxiety attacks, iv been sleeping more than usual.. I think its because i dont like this reality and i just wanna dream and be in peace.. Is it normal.. Isn't the opposite for you guys????!!!!!!!

With having to live in anxious, fearful hell all day, every day - we look for any way to escape. Sleep is one of those escapes.

During my worst periods of anxiety, I would long to be asleep.

I completely concur with this.

10-11-2012, 01:11 AM
That's really common for people who have anxiety and/or depression. Firstly having anxiety is exhausting! our bodies are on edge, doing the whole fight/flight thing, we are tense etc. So no wonder people with anxiety are usually shattered. When mine was at it's peak I spent a lot of time in bed because not only was I tired, I was also trying to escape reality and the only way to do that was to sleep. On top of that my bed was my safe place and made me feel more secure. Some folk, on the other hand, are too wired to sleep and find it hard but everyone is different. It will get better once you get more control over you anxiety and if, for a while, you need to sleep a lot then who cares- do what makes you feel better.

10-11-2012, 03:23 AM
Since i started to have anxiety attacks, iv been sleeping more than usual.. I think its because i dont like this reality and i just wanna dream and be in peace.. Is it normal.. Isn't the opposite for you guys????!!!!!!!

I've had insomnia my whole life but since I started having panic attacks I sleep soooo much more. Still it's not normal amount of sleep but its more than my 0 to 3 hours I'm used to :/

10-11-2012, 05:25 AM
Hi Tep2007

I completely understand what you are saying, I've been thru this and I'm still going thru this for the past two years. I seem at times to always be tired felling drowsy and just wanting to be in my bed my safe zone as a lot of us call it. I seem to go in waves with this at times if everything is going well I'm up and more active if things get hard and I'm going thru a period if hard times I do find myself feeling this way always tired and sleeping a lot more . Anxiety works your body in many ways and I think this is symptoms we seem to have due to anxiety and depression. I've tryed going to the gym actually forcing myself and I think it's been helping a bit.. It seems to clear my mind you should give it a try ...

10-12-2012, 06:14 AM
hiya, before i was actually diagnosed with anxiety and depression i slept all the time, id get up stay awake for a few hours then go back to bed till the evening, i felt crap. constantly, ive got a 2 year old son so felt like he was missing out aswell, anyway by the time id been diagnosed i saw a mental health nurse who'd gone through the same thing and she told me, i should NOT sleep through the day, i should fight it till bedtime, so i did, within weeks i felt better! i have no idea why but my bed is a no-no even when im at my worst, i use distraction techniques, not sleep... try it? might help you 2? id rather be awake and terrified/shattered than sleep my life away, we only have 1 after all! lol