View Full Version : I honestly know and admit that I'm a FREAK! :)

10-10-2012, 02:00 PM
Hey all!

Yes, I had an issue last week when the only computer we had went POOF!..I took it apart, tore the cd drive out and other shit too and threw it in the trashcan. Followed by kitchen garbage on top of that too. I looked at new computers at the store very late one night and was feeling defeated too. Well, I also had a crashed Dell laptop, a crashed Dell tower complete with everything from a neighbor, a crashed Acer laptop, a crashed and burned Toshiba laptop in the garbage can with ranch dressing and coffee grounds all over it, a crashed Dell mini, and a Compaq tower followed by a closet full of cords, scanners, printers, photo making thingy and basically just techy shit all over the freaking place that didnt even work..To create order out of disarray is something that I must be VERY good at because now there's 4 beautifully functioning computers here now and I have no f**king idea how I even put them all back into a brand new out of box state!! I don't know how to navigate my way around computers or copy paste yadda bla BS but I can make them work properly when they explode?..WTF!! It makes NO sense to me but it does remind how OCD and determined I can get if I have too. I was up till after 2am lastnight waiting for the one out of the trash to wake up and do something!! It did..It said WELCOME!! Lets begin setup.. GAWD!!

and NO I don't wanna be an IT dude or work on these things everyday because my brain starts working like a computer and won't shut off!!!....

Almost done with the last one. Thank GOD! It isn't a physically challenging job but it sure does make me mentally exhausted and even MORE shorter fused then I already was!!

Hope everyone here is doing OK!

Enduronman..(The computer geek?) NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :)

10-15-2012, 07:03 AM
Where are you?! Youre doing the dissapering act again. Lol. Hope all is well Mr E