View Full Version : Possible Stalker to family member

10-10-2012, 02:30 AM
Im having really bad anxiety like really bad right now. Im getting really bad thoughts and cant stop thinking about this. I think someone might have stalked my mum but im not sure yet. My mum told me this guy in a van was acting nice and kissed my mums hands and said marry christmas. I was enraged by that so i went and saw the guys van and his car. Im getting a lot of anxiety everytime i see the car because i think he might be stalking us but the car plates arent the same and im thinking he might put fake ones on. This is really affecting me right now

10-10-2012, 03:06 AM
Im having really bad anxiety like really bad right now. Im getting really bad thoughts and cant stop thinking about this. I think someone might have stalked my mum but im not sure yet. My mum told me this guy in a van was acting nice and kissed my mums hands and said marry christmas. I was enraged by that so i went and saw the guys van and his car. Im getting a lot of anxiety everytime i see the car because i think he might be stalking us but the car plates arent the same and im thinking he might put fake ones on. This is really affecting me right now

When it comes to stalkers even if you aren't 100% sure it's still best to always involve the police so atleast they are aware.

10-10-2012, 03:06 AM
Merry Christmas? It's not even Halloween. and why did she let him kiss her hands. This is just paranoia. Ya gotta try and stop those "What if" thought patterns. They won't help. If you're so sure its the same van, find a good concealed spot, and spy back. Binoculars. Look into the car and see if its him sitting there in plain sight. If it is, call the cops or something idk. Likely, he's just a creeper. Give your mom a can of mace or a stun gun. or a lanyard for keychain flail mode. Maybe tie a lanyard to the lanyard for super medieval ball and chain mode:


but all in all, just try to stop those paranoid thought patterns. I've had these before. I notice once I can just keep those thoughts at bay it gets better.

10-10-2012, 04:46 AM
He said merry christmas when it was last christmas some where in december. He does seem like a creeper, and always parking somewhere and look at everyone like a perv. The problem i think is that i think i have ocd or somethign like that and i seriously think i have a disorder or something because everytime when i got a feeling that he might be here or something like that my anxiety just kicks in and it ruins my mood and i get depressed like i cant do anything about it.