View Full Version : Anxiety has been haunting me for almost a year. What gives?

10-09-2012, 06:08 PM
Hi all, I will start my introducing myself, considering I have never posted on this site before. My name is Ashley Thomas, I am a junior Exercise and Sports Science major, with a minor in Nutrition. I have been having anxiety attacks since January of 2012. One day I was driving with my roommate to get food and I got very dizzy, almost to the point where I could not concentrate on the road, my heart rate elevated as if I had just ran a marathon, I had uncontrollable muscle spasms, and chest pains so extreme, that I felt like I was convinved I was having a heart attack. That day and thereafter I had been rushed to the hospital because of these "out-of-body experiences" as I like to call them. Since that day, I was put on Zoloft for months, which gave me suicidal thoughts and the most sickening withdrawal symptoms when I had to get off of them. I now refuse to take any medication like that. I still take clonazepam for my sudden, serious panic attacks.
I have tried a hollistic approach to the situation by getting hypnotized, considering I was deathly afraid of stepping into my vehicle after that day. I was scared to leave the house, go out with friends, go food shopping, and I worked myself into depression. After the hypnosis appointments, I was able to drive and get back into my school work.
Still to this day, I am CONSTANTLY dizzy and feeling like I am not getting enough oxygen because my chest is, more times than none, tight. The dizziness is the thing that bothers me the most because I am very afraid of passing out in public. I know that it has to be linked to my anxiety because I am a very healthy individual other than my anxiety. I am scared that I am going to have to live this way for the rest of my life, which scares me more than anything.. I am afraid it is going to put a huge damper on my life.
I am so glad that I found this forum so I have others to talk to, and can get advice. Would love to hear if anybody has been dizzy, even after their panic attacks have subsided, and what you guys do to cope with your mild symptoms of anxiety. Thank you!

10-09-2012, 08:43 PM
I can only assume most of your symptoms are from stress.. you say you have a major, or are you studying for that major?

10-09-2012, 09:15 PM
Hi all, I will start my introducing myself, considering I have never posted on this site before. My name is Ashley Thomas, I am a junior Exercise and Sports Science major, with a minor in Nutrition. I have been having anxiety attacks since January of 2012. One day I was driving with my roommate to get food and I got very dizzy, almost to the point where I could not concentrate on the road, my heart rate elevated as if I had just ran a marathon, I had uncontrollable muscle spasms, and chest pains so extreme, that I felt like I was convinved I was having a heart attack. That day and thereafter I had been rushed to the hospital because of these "out-of-body experiences" as I like to call them. Since that day, I was put on Zoloft for months, which gave me suicidal thoughts and the most sickening withdrawal symptoms when I had to get off of them. I now refuse to take any medication like that. I still take clonazepam for my sudden, serious panic attacks.
I have tried a hollistic approach to the situation by getting hypnotized, considering I was deathly afraid of stepping into my vehicle after that day. I was scared to leave the house, go out with friends, go food shopping, and I worked myself into depression. After the hypnosis appointments, I was able to drive and get back into my school work.
Still to this day, I am CONSTANTLY dizzy and feeling like I am not getting enough oxygen because my chest is, more times than none, tight. The dizziness is the thing that bothers me the most because I am very afraid of passing out in public. I know that it has to be linked to my anxiety because I am a very healthy individual other than my anxiety. I am scared that I am going to have to live this way for the rest of my life, which scares me more than anything.. I am afraid it is going to put a huge damper on my life.
I am so glad that I found this forum so I have others to talk to, and can get advice. Would love to hear if anybody has been dizzy, even after their panic attacks have subsided, and what you guys do to cope with your mild symptoms of anxiety. Thank you!

Hi Ashely,

Don't worry you are not alone. I am feeling most of what you are feeling. It started 6 weeks ago. I suddenly felt lightheaded after a zumba exercise. I didn't mind it at first but when it just didn't stop after a week that is when I started freaking out. We went to see the doctor and diagnosed with acute sinusitis. Again, I still felt the same after 10 days of antibiotic and it freaked me out some more. The heart palpitations began and tightness of my chest. Went to see another doctor coz I was freaking out and she diagnosed me with Eustachian tube dysfunction. Told me to drink decongestant for 10 days. I felt the same. And the decongestant makes my heart more palpitations. So I stopped it and just take antihistamine. I still feel almost the same until now, although from time to time I feel better. When my anxiety gets worse, that is when I feel the worst. Of course, it gave me thoughts of horrible things. Like having horrible illnesses which didn't help really, just made it worst. I am to see our family doctor next week and hope he will give answers or help me with my anxiety. Just hang in there and like I said you Are not alone.

10-10-2012, 04:58 PM
Hi Ashley,

I was diagnosed with anxiety and agorophobia early 2012 as well. My symptoms are identical to yours. The dizziness is dreadful and long lasting. I have also made multiple trips to emergency departments fearing a heart attack as I am a 50 year old female. I was taking an anti-anxiety drug but refused anti-depressants however after months of sheer hell I finally accepted the anti-depressants which have changed my life! My symptoms have subsided, although they are still there they are far more manageable. I'm taking Cipromil (Citalopram) and Valium if the anxiety becomes too difficult. I'm also participating in an on-line CBT course and see my GP and Psychologist regularly. I'm not out of the woods yet but optimistic that the medications and professional/personal support will guide me towards recovery.

I wish you all the best.