View Full Version : Anxiety makes me scared of anxiety meds

10-09-2012, 02:50 PM
I want my anxiety to leave. But, what if you are scared of the very thing that helps you. I'm scared of the stories I hear about anxiety and depression medicines. So, what do you do if you are scared of anxiety medicine?

10-09-2012, 03:00 PM
Don't be afraid of the meds- sometimes the're the lesser of two evils! Side effects are not as bad as the data sheet they come with, really!! They pass also after a while. I've been on so many since forever now and honestly, I can take different meds together with vino and must be immune to everything or my mind strong. Ha, not even sure anymore. Be good to yourself . Trial and error your only man, at least you'll have an idea what may help you cope .

10-09-2012, 03:27 PM
I was a little anxious (<-- lol) about taking anti-anxiety medication to begin with.
I had no clue as to how the drug would effect me.

However, it got to a point where I could no longer handle the fearsome anxiety and panic attack episodes I was having, so in the end I was begging for them.

I was prescribed Diazepam and was recommended to take them for EMERGENCIES ONLY, which I did.

I have to say, for me... this drug was little short of a miracle. After 20/30 mins of swallowing it... a wave of calm swept through my entire body.
It even put a bit of grin on my face!

Looking back, my advice would be to welcome these tried and trusted drugs with open arms. Try it... if it doesn't work then try another.

What I absolutely don't approve, is regular / everyday use of such drugs. You enter possible addiction / reliance territory then.

These types of drugs are often quite potent and must be treated with the caution and respect they deserve.

10-10-2012, 12:58 PM
I feel ya... i have had mine for a week, and wayyy to freaked out to take them. But Im pretty sure im going to cave and take them!