View Full Version : hi all. advice needed please

10-09-2012, 01:58 PM
Hii im new to this forum suffered GAD and social anxiety for many years, thing is its got to the point now where i seriously haveto get it sorted, i cant live like this, ive stated taking the aminos b complex and magnesium,been on them for eleven days,and imsure my anxiety has increased, ive had palpatations too,aint had these for a good while, do i continue them for a few more weeks?


10-09-2012, 02:41 PM
No go to a go and discuss GAD etc. it's extremely debilitating when not addressed. Physical symptoms start interfering with everything you do with work life etc to your detriment! You need to make you're self understood to a doc who'll be sympathetic. I feel from my own experience that we constantly feel like we have to justify everything when sometimes we are simply have a predisposition to GAD etc. End of. I'm sick of always feeling I have to have a crisis to justify symptoms for years now. High cortisol and adrenalin levels 24/7 are dire and doesn't make you any less of a person - quite the reverse!
Maria ;)