View Full Version : cant take any more :'(

10-09-2012, 10:48 AM
hi, im new to this site and not really sure how it works but i guess you say how you feel and people reply?... well il try that .
basically im suffering badly with agoraphobia and anxiety, iv been getting counselling for it and have seen doctors ect but nothing seems to be working , all the doctors/counselors say is "go out, take small steps and stay in the situation when the panic sets in." i do try this but every time i do i just get worse and worse to the point of get out/home or collapse and vomit. i have tried telling these people but they dont seem to listen.
this is ruining my life and my daughters and partners. does anybody feel the same or have any advise? i really need help with this :'(

10-09-2012, 12:24 PM
Hi my name is Kari and I am new to this as well idk if I am even doing this rite.. I have been suffering from panic and anxiety disorder for 8 years now and in the beginning I was totally convinced it was a brain tumor or something else. I just couldn't understand how anxiety can just come on so fast,I would feel dizzy,like I was going to faint,shaky,unreal feeling,tight in the chest,feel as I was dying.. Mine seems to be all in my head(so far) I don't get the who heart attack feeling(thank God)well anyways I was at work today and BAM all of a sudden I felt like I was going to pass out,I got dizzy,shaky,was even walking funny,tingly in the fave and hands,shaky knees,weird vision you name it i felt it... Is there anyone else out there that gets this way??
Thank you for listening
Kari :)

10-09-2012, 01:51 PM
Yes, this happens to me...classic signs of a panic attack!!!! I really dislike those feelings....I am trying to learn to talk myself through time periods like those..

10-09-2012, 02:22 PM
hi, I to have had exactly the same symptoms that you are experiencing.I believe those are panic symptoms and not anxiety-but makes no difference.
I still have episodes but not as severe.Look I don't know what the cure is or if there is even one, but don't give up, I take lexapro and do try to fight
when the symptoms arise.I know everyone has different advice, just know your not alone and keep fighting......

10-10-2012, 12:13 AM
I'm not convinced that forcing yourself to stay in the stressy situation is the right way to go, actually.

Not yet anyway.

Your mind needs to recover first, or at least needs to get back to near normality before you can handle such situations.

Councillors often aren't good enough for severe anxiety... they're more suited to everyday stress than anxiety disorder.
You need to see a cognetive therapist who specializes in anxiety disorder.

You may also need the odd "chill pill", such as diazepam to get you through the worst episodes.

Your brain will slowly recover. You'll eventually find the courage to face & endure these situations once again... like you used to, but it takes time. Sometimes... LOTS of time!

Seriously, don't chuck yourself into the situations which cause you stress... BUT... eventually you will have to face them, so keep this in mind.
When the time comes, and you DO decide to face them... and it goes ok, you'll come out feeling absolutely elated, make no mistake.
The feeling of conquering your fears is overwhelmingly fab. Like being injected with a new life.
So... work toward this day and look forward to it.

10-10-2012, 01:33 AM
Hi there,
I can relate to how you are feeling.
I started having panic attacks and have daily anxiety since I went through a horrible miscarriage earlier this year. I get daily dizziness and feel like I'm going to pass out and I fear going anywhere alone! I'm nothing like the person I used to be and it's so frustrating!
I have a daughter also and I feel like I'm failing as a mum. It's such a horrible thing anxiety and people who have never experienced it can't understand how crippling it is!
I have been making myself do little things which normal people do without even thinking about! It's like you have to re train your brain!!
Thinking of you and hope it gets better!!
I am learning not to react so intensively to the feelings of anxiety and slowly I have been getting a bit better. I don't want to go on medication but want to try and work through the issues if I can.

10-10-2012, 01:56 AM
The facing your fear part is tough for me. I'm here on holiday in Tokyo at the current, and though I thought my trip would be completely anxiety free, I was wrong. The jet lag is what crippled me first, through my sleep schedule off causing tons of stress on my body. My first night I had an attack because rooms here in Japan are small, and I felt claustrophobic and couldn't just run home as home is an ocean and half a country away. I had to sit there and deal with it. Also, the subways and trains are what get me as well. Since it's fall here, and the 70 degree weather is what most people here consider "Coldish" they turned off the AC in the trains. Now, I'm from Minnesota so this is quite warm for me, and cold for me is around like 24 degrees. So I'm in the train with shorts and a tee-shirt, and it's packed with people, and there is no AC, only little fan vents. The heat and cramped feeling made me start to panic especially since I have to stay with my family and people I came here with until we reach our stop which can be around 20 minutes away sometimes so I'm forced to stay in the situation.

I have to say, running from any situation your afraid of won't help it. You're going to need to face it at some point, but I agree that you shouldn't attempt this until you have rebuilt yourself a little first.

Right now, I woke up late so my group left me behind. So I'm stuck in my hotel room... I'm terrified of going out into Tokyo's Shinjuku district alone, since I only know a small amount of japanese and I can't read any at all. But, staying in this hotel might not help at all either since there is nothing really to do. Netflix hasn't come to Japan yet so I can't watch movies. I may just have to face it, and venture out with courage. I flirted with a beautiful japanese girl who works at a restaraunt nearby, and she thought I was really cute and such so I may go find her again there. Gives me something to do :D

Goodluck :]

10-13-2012, 04:05 AM
Just stay strong,we are all going through hell here,staying strong is critical !