View Full Version : Anxiety has returned.

10-09-2012, 10:47 AM
Good Afternoon, I suffered with panic attacks for over 2 yrs and I managed to control them
An lessen them. Now after 3yrs they have come back full force. My panic attacks seem to last a maximum of a minute. I get them after eating and more recently when I'm driving.

I take some meds but I really don't think they help.

Anyway that's my story! Happy Monday everybody

10-09-2012, 04:03 PM
1 minute panic attack!??? That's possibly a Guiness book of records smallest panic attack! lol

You're actually quite lucky... the more unfortunate among us can endure increasing anxiety --> panic attack --> horrendous symptoms...
...for hours on end. The after effects of a severe panic attack can last for many tens of hours.

If the panic attack only lasts for 1 minute, then I don't think meds are necessary!

10-09-2012, 04:38 PM
I didn't realise it was a competition for longest panic attacks. It can be quite dangerous when I'm driving and I suddenly put on the break?

Anyways as I said that's my problem and I realise there are people on this forum a lot worse of than me.

10-09-2012, 09:43 PM
At the end of the day everyone is on this forum for the same reason , you don't have to fit a certain criteria or have panic attacks that last for hours to write a post , and I certainly think that negativity isn't wat this forum is about , we are all here to help one another and share are experiences, you have delt and over come your panic attacks before , you can do it again , there just back right now to see if the can beat you , but they can't rember how you delt with them before well that's how you do it again , good luck and stay strong x

10-09-2012, 11:50 PM
I didn't realise it was a competition for longest panic attacks. It can be quite dangerous when I'm driving and I suddenly put on the break?

Anyways as I said that's my problem and I realise there are people on this forum a lot worse of than me.

Its not a competition, its called humour. Dazza didnt mean it in a bad way.

I believe youre a little tensed up, lossen it a bit, let your emotions go. Im not being sarcastic.

Your stress level prolly hit the mark. And it so happens that youre eating or driving and you start to dwell on it, so its stuck there with you.

You probly got reminded of the anxiety in a way and probly it stays in your mind waiting to pounce on anything.

Hope you are feeling better.


10-09-2012, 11:57 PM
It can be quite dangerous when I'm driving and I suddenly put on the brAKE?

Please describe what happens to you leading up to, during and after the 1 minute panic attack...

10-10-2012, 01:45 AM
Its not a competition, its called humour. Dazza didnt mean it in a bad way.

I believe youre a little tensed up, lossen it a bit, let your emotions go. Im not being sarcastic.

Your stress level prolly hit the mark. And it so happens that youre eating or driving and you start to dwell on it, so its stuck there with you.

You probly got reminded of the anxiety in a way and probly it stays in your mind waiting to pounce on anything.

Hope you are feeling better.


It may be so but the question is whether lilimillpete needs this sort of "humour" and your advice to "loosen up". He has a problem and he is probably very tense (we who suffer from SA usually are and we all know how difficult it is to relax sometimes).
There are a few people on this forum who irritate me a lot. Maybe they are not aware of it but they are actually making fun (with their ironi) of some people with problems. At the same time they want to be the ones giving advice.
It is not supportive nor helpful. I wish they would stay away from giving advice altogether and leave it to those who can put themselves in other peoples situation.

10-10-2012, 02:59 AM
Good Afternoon, I suffered with panic attacks for over 2 yrs and I managed to control them
An lessen them. Now after 3yrs they have come back full force. My panic attacks seem to last a maximum of a minute. I get them after eating and more recently when I'm driving.

I take some meds but I really don't think they help.

Anyway that's my story! Happy Monday everybody

Why does it happen when you are eating? Any connection?

10-10-2012, 07:58 AM
It may be so but the question is whether lilimillpete needs this sort of "humour" and your advice to "loosen up". He has a problem and he is probably very tense (we who suffer from SA usually are and we all know how difficult it is to relax sometimes).
There are a few people on this forum who irritate me a lot. Maybe they are not aware of it but they are actually making fun (with their ironi) of some people with problems. At the same time they want to be the ones giving advice.
It is not supportive nor helpful. I wish they would stay away from giving advice altogether and leave it to those who can put themselves in other peoples situation.

When i say tense and loosen it a bit(please read my previous post again), i wasnt referring to dazza's comment. I was referring to why the attack might be back, which is why i said, im not being sarcastic.

And humour, i said again, he didnt mean it in a bad way, nobody here i believe is making fun of anyone, they are trying to make you smile while reading it, laugh and just for that second, to not have the tension and to forget about anxiety.

Need i remind you again, lilimillpete, has once overcame her anxiety, and now its back, she just needs to be reminded again of what could be the cause of anxiety.

If my comments have upset you or lilimillpete, im sorry, i'll stay out of your way in future.

I came forward, not to tell who is right, who is not, i just highlighted that no one is making fun of nobody on top of what are points lilimillpete could look at to have her anxiety to came back again.

Have a good day.

10-11-2012, 01:06 AM
It may be so but the question is whether lilimillpete needs this sort of "humour" and your advice to "loosen up". He has a problem and he is probably very tense (we who suffer from SA usually are and we all know how difficult it is to relax sometimes).
There are a few people on this forum who irritate me a lot. Maybe they are not aware of it but they are actually making fun (with their ironi) of some people with problems. At the same time they want to be the ones giving advice.
It is not supportive nor helpful. I wish they would stay away from giving advice altogether and leave it to those who can put themselves in other peoples situation.

Just because we (myself included) have A/D it doesn't mean we have to miserable ALL the time :-)


10-11-2012, 02:10 AM
Good Afternoon, I suffered with panic attacks for over 2 yrs and I managed to control them
An lessen them. Now after 3yrs they have come back full force. My panic attacks seem to last a maximum of a minute. I get them after eating and more recently when I'm driving.

I take some meds but I really don't think they help.

Anyway that's my story! Happy Monday everybody


I actually think I know what you're talking about exactly - I have suffered panic and anxiety on and off for a number of years and after a period of having no really severe attacks, I'll sometimes have little jolts of anxiety - mostly at work or driving.

It's like the panic is tapping me on the shoulder to remind me that it's still there!! I try to ignore it and not focus on the physical symptoms and feelings - otherwise it will spiral out.

If you feel in danger when driving, keep in the lane that makes it easiest to pull over so you can have a rest and relax a little.

Good luck.

10-11-2012, 03:28 AM
Good Afternoon, I suffered with panic attacks for over 2 yrs and I managed to control them
An lessen them. Now after 3yrs they have come back full force. My panic attacks seem to last a maximum of a minute. I get them after eating and more recently when I'm driving.

I take some meds but I really don't think they help.

Anyway that's my story! Happy Monday everybody

Almost all my anxiety comes after eating. It makes me not want to eat :/ and even though its just one minute it's still one minute of hell but I know dazza didn't mean any disrespect I think he was just trying to get you to see the lighter side in your situation.