View Full Version : Getting Diagnosed With Anxiety/Panic Disorder

10-09-2012, 09:59 AM
After 8 years of having panic attacks, I have arrived at the conclusion that I have anxiety/panic disorder and possibly agoraphobia. I have done several online tests that are designed to evaluate for these conditions, and they all indicate this as well. I was in a car accident recently, and my panic attacks became worse after that. However, the car accident did at least provide me with the reassurance that I didn’t have anything wrong with me physically because I had scans, x-rays, EKG’s, and blood tests done while in the hospital. This provided me with confidence that my condition was 100% psychological and that my self-diagnoses was correct. This has made me feel much better about my issues because I now know what I’m dealing with.

If my self-diagnosis made me feel better about my problems, then I think getting a real diagnosis and discussing it with an expert would probably help me even more. I am considering going to a local psychologist. I just want to make sure that a psychologist would do this, or do I have to go to a medical doctor to get a diagnosis? What is typically involved with getting an official diagnosis of panic/anxiety disorder and agoraphobia during a session with a psychologist? Would I need a referral, or can I just go to the psychologist on my own?

I hate going to the doctor, so I’m trying to find out if I can do this without being required to go to a medical doctor or have any additional medical exams.

10-10-2012, 12:17 AM
The usual route is this:

1/ Go to doctors and describe your symptoms / state / issues
2/ Doctor will refer you to a psychologist
3/ Psychologist will diagnose you and probably refer you to a therapist who specialises in your issues (often a cognetive therapist)