View Full Version : Not Sure How To Cope: Any advice??

Haunted One
10-09-2012, 07:28 AM
Hello. I'm new here, and just wanted to share my issue.

Recently, I've begun to experience full blown anxiety. Most of my anxiety is related to - or happens at - work. Which is horrible, because like most people, I have to work full-time. I also have to work alone a lot too, meaning that if I ever get extremely anxious or upset, I am alone and unable to have anyone around for support. No manager on site, no senior staff or even colleague.

Some people get anxious about certain things, and avoid that thing - but if a lot of your anxiety is triggered at work, you can't avoid it, and it means you constantly feel nervous about work at home, and then suffer with anxiety whilst at work. It spirals.
I really don't feel comfortable going too deeply into my personal issues online (yet, anyway) but what I will say is that I had a very traumatic event happen in a workplace a couple of years back, which I believe may be what triggers my anxiety now when I'm at work. I do sometimes wonder about discussing it with my manager but I worry about two things 1) She will think I'm not capable of the job or fire me, (I am capable, but I just don't know how to deal with anxiety there) 2) I will be judged by her, or senior staff.

Has anyone got advice? I can't avoid work. I have to do it full-time. It's getting worse, I get physically sick at work sometimes through sheer worry. I spend time at home worrying I'll get a call from my boss that I've done something wrong. I'm creeping into OCD territory.

Any help? I'd love to hear any words of advice!


10-09-2012, 08:02 AM
Have you read the sticky thingy by forwells and panic cured. well at least start from there and then read the rest. Are you on meds? Any therapies? Are you drinking coffee?

Dont worry, when i first joined, i wasnt comfy sharing my story online too, but hey, the minute i got it off my chest, esp my one and only story that i have never ever mentioned to anyone, it feels much better.

And before i press send, Welcome to the club. ;)

10-10-2012, 12:27 AM
.The secrets you hold are probably the root cause of your anxiety. These HAVE to be addressed in order to start your recovery process.
The longer you bottle it/them... the worse it gets.

Seriously... spill the beans / let it out / empty your head of the anxieties that plague you.

Being alone is usually a problem for most anxiety sufferers. We tend to think too much "bad stuff" when on our own, which normally leads to elevated anxiety and panic attacks.

Start the recovery ball rolling NOW.

1/ Go see a doctor
2/ Doctor will refer you to the cognetive help you need & possibly prescribe medication to help in the short-term