View Full Version : Phone Anxiety

04-02-2007, 02:54 AM
Does anyone else have a fear of using the telephone, or at least find it difficult or quite unpleasant?

I have for my entire life and as I've grown older it's become more of a worry for me. I'm nearly 21, and I feel like the clock is ticking for me. I get older and older (more towards adulthood), and yet I am terrified of taking control and the phone has much to do with this. It's kind of symbolic, perhaps.

If you can't use the phone, it's difficult to maintain social relationships or take control of your finances. It leads me to feel trapped and dependent. I know I need to take baby steps in working this out, but it's so frigtening and embarressing for me to use it, I do not know where to start.

Thanks to anyone who reads.

04-02-2007, 03:34 AM
i've recently developed anxiety problems and for me, the telephone has become a real issue. i can use them myself but i have to be brisk. if i'm on for longer than a minute my head goes into a frenzy and i have to quickly say 'gotta go' or 'can i ring you back', then never do. the real problem for me is when other people are on the phone when they are around me, i have to always leave the room when i hear somones phone ring and go somwhere where i cannot hear the conversation at all.

04-02-2007, 04:53 AM
Ha! and I just thought it was me....

I absolutely despise answering the phone and it causes all sorts of rammafications at home both professionally and personally.

I'm guessing like everything asociated with anxiety, though, it's an irrational fear but even knowing that doesn't help :unsure:

However, I'm in charge at work, and sometimes I have three different phones all ringing at the same time...!

04-02-2007, 07:42 PM
I hate answering the phone. For me, I feel caught off guard when the phone rings. I don't like feeling out of control, and when the phone rings, I don't know who it is or what they will be wanting. I often will let it go to the message, so that I can call them back on my terms. And I hate making professional calls because I always worry that I will sound silly.

04-05-2007, 06:26 PM
Yes! I've always hated using the phone. I don't mind talking to my parents, or other relatives.....but that's about it.

Tif =8-)

04-10-2007, 11:05 AM
Years ago, I actually lost a lucrative job promotion because of my fear of using the phone. I would sit there (they let me do it at home) for an hour, trying to pick it up and talk, but I just couldn't. So I went in to the office one day with sunglasses on and told them I couldn't take the job. I lied about the reason why.

It was at that low point that I finally sought help. Now, years later, I am able to use the phone. Sometimes it's nerve-wracking, but I can do it.

Therapy helps!

04-15-2007, 07:39 AM
i have also had a problem with the phone, i'm alot better today though then i used to be. some people its fine to talk with on the phone. but i have to preper myself for a long time before i can call someone. i need to be totaly prepered.. i CANNOT call people if i don't know what to say. my boyf has asked me several times if i can call such and such (this usually happens when we are in the car on our way to someone, and he wants me to calll certain people ) this sends me into full blown panic! i get all warm and i start swetting. and i get problems breathing. and my head thumps.

04-15-2007, 08:43 AM
Wow - I totally relate! It drives my husband crazy - he finally stopped asking me to call people. I'm afraid of getting the mail, too. I just always feel like there could be some kind of horrible news in there, and I'm afraid to look. I have to brace myself every day just to go to the stupid mailbox. :lol:

04-15-2007, 02:15 PM
neverbeenright: i totaly get what your saying avbout the mail and bad news.. i don't feel like that about the mail though, but i can't watch the news and i can't watch debate programs or read the news paper... cause there are always bad news or conflict...

sorry!!! this was off topic!