View Full Version : Sleep & anxiety

10-08-2012, 05:05 PM
If i have little sleep i am generally worse the next day

10-08-2012, 05:12 PM
Same for most, you'll find.

Anxiety feasts on ALL things bad, such as fear / pain / depression and indeed - tiredness.

Tiredness brings about a general feeling of lathargy, grumpy, snappy and, well, just shittiness really.
Anxiety LOVES all of these... so best not to feed it.

10-09-2012, 08:19 AM
I need 8hours of sleep, lesser than that will cause all that Dazza mentioned and a mini panic attack.

10-10-2012, 12:55 AM
Hehe poop head :)

10-10-2012, 03:28 AM
Pretty much. When I got to Tokyo, I had been awake for about 29 hours. Had mini panics on the plane because I wasn't able to sleep at all and was tired. Powered through those though with HOPE that it would be better once I got to the hotel in Japan. I got to the hotel and found the hotel rooms are quite small (Makes sense since tokyo is so packed, space is so little), This gave me a claustrophobic feeling and I had a small attack because I couldn't just run for home because home was an ocean and half a country away. I took a bath and tried to relax, that made it better. Now since my family wants to get up early every morning to go places and do stuff, it's very hard for me because I'm a night person, I have a hard time falling asleep before midnight, and we usually need to be awake around 7-8. Once I do get to bed at midnight it takes an hour or so to fall asleep on average.

This doesn't leave me with all that much sleep so I'm usually tired in the morning and prone to attacks during the day - I usually get them on subways, and areas I feel I have no escape from and are uncomfortable. Despite this, I'm having fun still, enjoying my time. You just have to try and get better sleep anyway you can if the tiredness makes your worse.

I tried taking naps during the day, but that gave me bizzarre and weird dreams. so I guess I'm going to avoid naps from here on out. :P

Good luck!

10-10-2012, 01:57 PM
I keep having attacks in the middle of the night!!