View Full Version : Norovirus

10-08-2012, 03:02 PM
Ok so, in my class everyone has just had a cold but that might be down to it being a makeup course, we are touching each others faces and are in close contact.
I got the cold and was ok with it, despite being terrified of germs and illness but my friend just came down with a stomach bug, my worst nightmare!
Ever since a really bad stomach bug when i was younger, i have been petrified of them, they strike such fear to me.
I constantly wash my hands or use a anti-Viral hand foam from Boots thats protects from Norovirus (Stomach bug) apparently.
I am so scared right now, its stupid, I'm 18 and i am in tears about this, i really don't want to catch it. I know its not the worst thing that i could catch but its linked with deep psychological feelings and fears for me.
I have only just gotten used to being out of the house after several months of being too scared of catching illness outside! I don't want to become bed ridden again and i don't want to drop out of my course.
Just some reassurance of someone, please, about how its rare i would catch it from being in the same room as someone who just had it or how stomach bugs aren't really that bad, that adults rarely vomit with stomach bugs, just anything, please!
AnnaLea :(

10-08-2012, 03:21 PM
I completely understand your worry as I too dread this annual norovirus. Every twinge we get we think we have it or are getting it which makes us more anxious and then difficult to differentiate the illness from the nerves!
What I would say to you is you are no more likely to get it than her nearest and dearest! Hospitals, schools and cruise ships get a lot of it but not everyone's immune systems are the same. Keep well, wash hands and use sensible good hygiene.
I had this virus last January as everyone in the house had it but I didn't vomit!! Felt ill but managed to get a tab called stemitil which are fab and stop nausea/ vomiting. Also calm you down asctheyvhave a sedative effect. Most docs on-call use them for call-outs with this virus and more.
Maria ;)