View Full Version : Here's a new one

10-08-2012, 09:28 AM
Aching in the coxxic/tailbone. Oh well not to worry I suppose. I blame the front page of the BBC this morning and an article on bone cancer. Why'd I click it? Stupid stupid ;) It was a minor discomfort for the past week, now the pain is more overt and all up in my business.

Could be a lingering issue from road cycling I suppose (not that i've biked in a week and a half). The past month and a half I got back into cycling in a big way. I still don't think my bike is set up correctly as i'm getting pains in the knees, feet and neck.

I suppose I should bring my bike to a shop tomorrow and get myself properly fitted. I'm sure they'll try and sell me something unecessary like a new saddle made of gold and carbon fibre. Knowing me i'd buy it as well :P


10-08-2012, 10:10 AM
Sore crutch & squashed knackers syndrome!


10-10-2012, 08:22 AM
Im like you, i cant read or hear anything about health and anything that can give me thoughts. I will first have from head to toe, hot and cold flashes, playing, then it will start hitting the points about what ive read about.

I love cycling too now that i have anxiety, but my bike is crap, and i always have backaches after riding, the seat is not comfy at all!! Unlike you, i have no clue about bikes lol.

And Dazza, omg! Lol