View Full Version : how can i ask my parents for a therapist?

10-07-2012, 09:29 AM
hey guys,. im in my teenage years and im currently having issues with my self esteem and im determined to cure it but im really really scared and embarassed to ask parents for a therapist because they might think im overacting or goingcrazy,do u have any advice?help me pleaseee,if possible include me in ur prayers,..

10-07-2012, 11:33 AM
eyy! finally someone my age possibly..
I practically cured my anxiety by being independent.. I'm 15 years old, so whenever I had a panic attack, my parents babied the hell out of me..
I told them to stop and let me fight anxiety on my own..

can you do me a favor and tell me your symptoms? also, if you dont mind, how old are you?

10-09-2012, 04:51 AM
hi there :) well,im 16 years old, the thing is i feel uncomfortable around other people, i cant keep eye contact with them and i cant hold conversations for long creating an awkward situation ._. ,. and during class presentations like report or speeches i totally become stiff and my voice shakes i cant utter any words and my mind seems to go blank,. :( i just dont know what to do,. my parents are also like that,. they keep on babying me,. how did u start to be independent?

10-09-2012, 03:55 PM
first thing you should do in a school situation is to tell your teacher ASAP. just let them know you have anxiety disorder. make sure you include the disorder. then they'll know what assignments you can do instead of the speech.

10-09-2012, 03:56 PM
also, I started thinking of everything logically.. I used to have heart fear.. I'm a hockey player, therefore im constantly active.. So the heart attack possibility was pretty much 0. anxiety tricked me into thinking I was going to die anyway.

however, I kept thinking logically. and heart fear just passed

10-09-2012, 03:57 PM
dont be afraid to shoot me a message if you need anymore questions! :p