View Full Version : Anxious world

10-07-2012, 08:23 AM

There appears to be not just one, but many different worlds within which we all exist.

I don't mean the actual world / planet / earth, I mean our own, either self-made or inherited world as created & governed by our own minds.

Our world can be happy, sad, depressing, beautiful, lonely, cruel but... these worlds aren't real, nor are they fake.
They are our own perspectives... how we, ourselves as individuals, see & conclude the world around us for whatever reasons.

Through inheritance, learning, circumstance, fate, luck... we make our own world.

BUT... sometimes we cross worlds. We cross the boundaries of existance, usually because of some profound event that steers us so.

Before I developed anxiety disorder, my world was pretty good. I had nothing to complain about.
But, a desperate, unforgiving fear of an impending heart attack back last December changed all that in one evening or... one hour in fact.
I, myself, crossed worlds, from happy world to anxious hell world in one hour. Just one hour... that's all it took.

To all those who suffer severe anxiety for whatever your own reason(s), please remember that this is purely a circumstantial world within which you live. It's made up... it's science fiction... it's NOT REAL.

Happy world is not so far away you know. It's just a mind-set away.

10-07-2012, 04:52 PM
I have also crossed worlds. I have a fear of my throat closing up and of course, throat tightness is a symptom of my panic attacks. I don't know how to distinguish between attack and anaphylaxis, so I get more scared. It's a horrible cycle.

10-07-2012, 10:31 PM

There appears to be not just one, but many different worlds within which we all exist.

I don't mean the actual world / planet / earth, I mean our own, either self-made or inherited world as created & governed by our own minds.

Our world can be happy, sad, depressing, beautiful, lonely, cruel but... these worlds aren't real, nor are they fake.
They are our own perspectives... how we, ourselves as individuals, see & conclude the world around us for whatever reasons.

Through inheritance, learning, circumstance, fate, luck... we make our own world.

BUT... sometimes we cross worlds. We cross the boundaries of existance, usually because of some profound event that steers us so.

Before I developed anxiety disorder, my world was pretty good. I had nothing to complain about.
But, a desperate, unforgiving fear of an impending heart attack back last December changed all that in one evening or... one hour in fact.
I, myself, crossed worlds, from happy world to anxious hell world in one hour. Just one hour... that's all it took.

To all those who suffer severe anxiety for whatever your own reason(s), please remember that this is purely a circumstantial world within which you live. It's made up... it's science fiction... it's NOT REAL.

Happy world is not so far away you know. It's just a mind-set away.

Nicely put. Thanks daz:)