View Full Version : Anyone feel faint for no reason?

10-07-2012, 04:05 AM
I'be been having a good week or two with only a couple anxiety issues, all smaller than they've been lately. But tonight I was sitting at my computer and out of the blue I feel like I'm about to faint. I kinda gasped and now I'm amped up and kinda freaked out. It's not the first/only time its happened. Am I the only one? I have a friend here and I'm tryin to stay strong but were I alone I probably would have gone to the Er already...

10-07-2012, 04:56 AM
Worst (and unlikely) case is you have a vasular (e.g. blood pressure) or blood oxygen issue.

Second worst (and unlikely) case is you have some chemical or vitamin deficiency.

Get yourself checked out - thoroughly.
A full blood work is recommended, along with the usual blood pressure & other vital tests.

If you're asking if this could be anxiety... then yes, it could.
It rarely causes people to actually faint, but it can cause a near fainting experience.

More often than not, this is due to a very simple issue... your BREATHING.

People tend to form bad habits with their breathing in that they simply don't breath deeply enough... leading to a lack of oxygen in their system... in turn causing dizziness or fainting.

My sister suffered from frequent fainting. The doc. told her to breath more deeply and miraculously she was cured that day! (true story!)