View Full Version : feel like this all the time

10-05-2012, 06:31 PM
I have GAD and social anxiety. Currently not taking any meds, but going back to doctor soon. I always feel anxious. I'm always analyzing things and people. I also feel not myself. I honestly feel like I don't even know who I am. I want these anxious feelings to go away. Then sometimes it blows into a panic attack, some not as bad as others. I've had one at work where I had to actually sit down, stop what I was doing. I ended up leaving early that day because even though the attack was gone, I was still having racing thoughts and burning sensations. Then I had one tonite at my other job, and the only thing I felt was really hot, my face mainly, and just out of it. But I would rather have a few panic attacks every now and then, than feel crappy everyday. Does anyone have any advice on how not to over-think things?