View Full Version : I shouldn't of drank that coffee.....

10-05-2012, 02:36 PM
Ugh....I haven't had coffee in AGES.....I've been trying to stay away from caffeine, period. Well, this morning, my husband got off of work, and picked up a pumpkin latter for himself and also bought one for me. As not to make him feel badly, I took it....and thought i would just hold onto it. Then I took a sip, and then another...and before I knew it, I had finished the entire thing. Now, I feel like I'm on speed or something.....and I cant calm down!!!! My stomach is upset also.... Not sure if this feeling should be lasting this long, I had it earlier this morning.......it is 4:30 pm now!!!!! Arg!!!

10-08-2012, 02:39 AM
Forwells is right that you are feeding it with fear. The effects of the coffee probably wore off hours ago but the feelings you got from the caffeine would have triggered your anxiety and then the more you focus on it the worst it gets. You could try and turn it around and use all the nervous energy for something positive- go out for a walk or a run, do some housework etc.

10-08-2012, 05:20 AM
I've never heard of a pumpkin latter!?

When I read the original post I got confused... I literally thought you'd picked up a pumpkin each for halloween... but then I read you drank it... I thought; uggghhh you're both sick!

10-08-2012, 02:35 PM
Sorry, I meant a pumpkin latte....darn spellcheck...