View Full Version : Do you feel angry for no reason?

10-05-2012, 02:03 PM
Hey everyone.. During an anxiety attack i feel veryyyy angry not scared (anymore) just super angry.. I feel like i wanna scream and dont wanna hear anything.. Does it happen to you guys?

10-05-2012, 03:04 PM
Common . Your just pissed off with dealing with them ruling your life .

Feel like yelling then go and do it .

That reminds me i have those holes in my wall to fix :)

Lol.... O jesus it horrible.. I thought i had a bipolar disorder too because of this.. Couldnt stop worrying about it.. Thank god is common

10-05-2012, 03:12 PM
Thnx alot for the post.. I feel better now : ))

10-05-2012, 04:03 PM
I feel angry, but not when I'm having a panic attack. I feel scared to death (it sure feels like daeth) when I'm having a panic atack. But I find that sometimes my anger leads to panic attacks. And I feel angry a lot. It starts with people doing things that annoy me, then it leads to frustrationg, then to anger, then to panic. And it can be any little thing. The way someone laguhs, or the way they talk, or whatever. It's always about a person doing something that sets me off. I think I have the panic attack because I know something little like that shouldn't bother me, which leads me to think I'm not normal, which makes be have anxiety, which becomes an attack. I haven't been to the doc in a while, but I'm going to go back soon. The last time I saw her, she was thinking I have social anxiety, which I compltely believe her becasue I've never felt normal, I've never felt like just a regular person. I've always thoughts negative thoughts about myself, or am worried that other people are thinking negative thoughts about me.

10-05-2012, 06:33 PM
I tend to get angry when my attack is almost gone and it actually snaps me out of it faster. Any little thing can set me off if I am anxious. I hate getting so angry but on the other hand it feels good to get rid of the anxiety.

10-05-2012, 06:45 PM
God i feel the same.. Its making me crazy.. And my dad is no help at all.. Hes 24/7 with me and he is a very difficult person.. Im trying to go see my bf an hes telling me that hes the reason y i got anxiety and im gonna end up worst if i stay with him.. But i love him.. And i dont see myself without him.. I dont know what to do?? Maybe my dad is right.. But im scared to break up with my bf.. I think im gonna end up insane.. : ((((

10-06-2012, 01:56 AM
No... I never get fucking angry for no fucking reason... Im always god damn fucking happy.


10-06-2012, 03:27 AM
Lol @ Dazza
Yes it's common to get angry & frustrated , I know I do . I think it's one of the worst things about this disorder .
I can lash out with anger & then feel so guilty afterwards :-(