View Full Version : Anxiety problems...

10-04-2012, 08:29 PM
Hey everyone, first, let me introduce myself, my name is Gabriel. I am 21 years old, I have been having anxiety problems since I was a kid. It's actually emetophobia with anxiety and sometimes depression. It first started when I was a kid, just a few years old, I was sleeping at my grand parents' house. I woke up in the middle of the night only to realize that I have already vomited in my sleep. Don't know why I was sick, can't remember, doesn't even matter. I got up, called my Grandma in the room, and I vomited two more times later that night. But I was awake. Still, I can remember how much I wanted to be with my mom, but couldn't at that time, because it was too late to go home at that time. That's when I think it started. I am a person who enjoys control, I will admit. I love it. Nausea, stomach pain, and nausea, I can't control. That's what I think freaks me out. The fact that I can't control if I'm gonna vomit or not. My anxiety comes in waves every two or three years. Stays for six months or more, and then goes away... The phobia stays, but I don't freak out every time I feel pain in my stomach. Now I do though. The anxiety kicked in a year ago, and is still running. There was depression in the beginning, but I managed to take care of that. Now, every couple of days or so, my stomach starts hurting. So I start to freak out... I can't sleep, I can't relax, I can't think positive, nothing. Nothing amuses me, nothing makes me happy. At that moment, all I want is the pain and the nausea to go away. The funny thing is, I haven't vomited in two years. And before that it was five years. All in all, I had real stomach bouts maybe five times that I can remember. And that's it. But I still can't get rid of the fear. it drives me crazy at some times. I don't know what to do anymore. I tried Xanax, it works perfectly, I just fall asleep, and wake up normal, but I didn't wanna get hooked, so I quit that. Now, marijuana helps a lot. I only smoke it at night though, cause anxiety kicks in around midnight. It helps with my appetite, the pains are gone, no more nausea, and that's it. But I can't smoke every night, I'll be broke by the end of the month. What should I do.? I keep feeling nauseous, and fearing that I will throw up, even though I know it's all in my head, I still can't control it... :/

10-04-2012, 10:31 PM
If it helps I have a massive fear of vomiting, I end up in huge panic attacks I can't shake if I ever begin to feel sick or dizzy. I find the best way for me to get over it is to use the placebo affect. I tell myself that if I, lets say, take a big drink of water, the vomiting will go away for good. I brainwash myself into believing I'm not going to throw up and it makes me calm down a whole heap.
Of course it doesn't always work but it's the only thing I now to do to stop me from making myself feel worse.

That's all I can think of but good luck anyway.

10-05-2012, 05:46 PM
Thanks for the advice. I'll try your placebo thing, hoope it will work. The thing I tried for the past few days helps a lot, whenever I start panicking, I play some music on my headphones, but music from a period when I didn't have anxiety, and I can almost mentally put myself in that time again, so I start to feel better...

10-05-2012, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the advice. I'll try your placebo thing, hoope it will work. The thing I tried for the past few days helps a lot, whenever I start panicking, I play some music on my headphones, but music from a period when I didn't have anxiety, and I can almost mentally put myself in that time again, so I start to feel better...

I do that too, the peace and quiet in my room by myself and some music is the only thing that makes me feel like my normal self again. Well, that and the Xanax.

10-05-2012, 09:02 PM
Hahahaha, that and the Xanax. :) Don't get hooked on those man, you will make your situation even worse. Screw the chemicals, try marijuana. It relaxes me better than Xanax. Xanax just makes me sleepy, marijuana first makes me hungry, then extremely happy, and then sleepy. Just like Xanax, but better. All jokes aside, it really helps a lot. :)

10-05-2012, 09:34 PM
Hahahaha, that and the Xanax. :) Don't get hooked on those man, you will make your situation even worse. Screw the chemicals, try marijuana. It relaxes me better than Xanax. Xanax just makes me sleepy, marijuana first makes me hungry, then extremely happy, and then sleepy. Just like Xanax, but better. All jokes aside, it really helps a lot. :)

Oh no I am super careful and i'm at the smallest dose only once a day, twice if I'm feeling dizzy at night (which is the worst for me). I'm switching to Buspar because the x scares me and I don't need the extra worry. Eh, I don't like mj, lung burn sucks and actually makes me more anxious. I sleep pretty normal it's just every other part of the day that I need meds lol