View Full Version : what is this?

10-04-2012, 12:39 PM
I was lying down on my left, and when i turned to my right, i have this sharp pain on the left of my neck, and if i move my arm, th epain hits again. Is this anxiety? Its freaking 2:40am now

10-04-2012, 01:14 PM
Probably!!! Hope u drift off soon

10-04-2012, 05:39 PM
It's probably because you're typing in bed! lol
Or did you get up again just to write this on your laptop?

Either a run-of-mill crooked neck, muscle or nerve strain. Nerve trails travel from the neck and down the arms, if they're pinched then both the neck and arm can be affected.

Worry not... SLEEP and see how it is in the morning.

Nighty night!

10-04-2012, 06:18 PM
I have this every day of my life lol it's not anxiety related...you slept on it funny! but your anxiety makes it scary. No worries, you're ok! :)

10-05-2012, 05:01 AM
Its a muscle strain, went for xray and everything is normal, thank god. I have though, to come back for xray on my spine, its been so painful, to the extent i cant bend forward i must keep my spine straight. The pain stretches to my tight thigh, and its really painful, i can really cry if i accidentally just bend forward or backwards, even sitting is painful. Any ideas what it might be? Its not anxiety, it doesnt go away.

Dazza, lol, i was tyoing in bed. I need you tube before i doze off to sleep.

Forwells, it is my muscle, must be the groceries i bought the other night.

Jhunter, thank you!!

Kvicious, how do you endure the pain? Its so painful i was given painkillers for it, 2 kinds of painkillers.

10-05-2012, 05:51 AM
> The pain stretches to my tight thigh

There's the answer... your thigh is too TIGHT


10-05-2012, 06:16 AM
Isa. My hockey weight trainer said this exactly. "Listen! all of you who dont participate will probably bitch about your back hurting"

so let me tell you whats most likely wrong..

1. you need to do more core training.. maybe 20-30 sit ups a day.

2. stretch stretch stretch! you're back is simply too tight.. and if you work, and sit down in a cubicle all day, you're back will hurt even more.. sitting down straightens out the bottom of your spine, causing pressure there..

3.calm down.. you're fine.. just do what I've said above, and if that doesnt work then that would be the appropriate time to go get it checked out.

10-05-2012, 06:25 AM
Dazza! Omg!! Lolololol!!! I meant RIGHT thigh lololol!!!! You little imp! im on phone, and i type too fast and hit send without checking much lol.

Trista, maybe its the cycling, or walking too much, but since i start to cycle, it got much worse. I must admit the seat was a little too hard and uncomfy.

10-05-2012, 06:38 AM
Yes, start stretching.

See if you can put your feet behind your ears?

I swore I'd marry the first girl I met who could do this... pmsl

10-05-2012, 06:57 AM
Hahahaha, be careful what you wish for lol