View Full Version : What a morning!!AHHH

10-04-2012, 05:43 AM
Just about to board the plane at the airport. My brothers car is in the shop so we had my moms boyfriend drive us.. woke up and was like "Time for a nice anxiety free vacation". I was brushing my teeth upstairs and my brother was last minute packing when we suddenly hear my mom freaking out downstairs. I could tell something was wrong so i throw the brush and bolt down the stairs. My moms boyfriend was in insulin shock. like convulsing and shaking and eyes wide open and I was just like "OH fuck!!!" my mom was trying to give him some of his emergency grape juice he drinks when his sugar is low or whatever, but he kept spitting it up all over the place.

I had to call an ambulance, while my brother and my mom stayed with him. I could feel the panic coming on, and I had to focus take deep breaths and just give straight directions and speak to them about whats wrong and such. Ohhhh not what I expected haha.

And I'm kind of a minor germaphone, so when I was giving him the grape juice at one point and he was spitting all over me, I had to be really strong for that. *sigh* I am exhausted before the flight even begins xD

He's better now and such so it's all good but it was quite a shock. at the end everyone is like "Ooh wow what an adrenaline rush."
and I was like "Haha, oh I'm no stranger to adrenaline. This feels normal for me actually" :P

Anyway, off to Japan I go. See ya everyone!

10-04-2012, 06:10 AM
Have fun!! enjoy the trip!!

10-04-2012, 06:25 AM
Wow... I have enough anxiety travelling, if that happened, I'd be a goner! And then probably latching onto it as an excuse to cancel the whole trip!

10-04-2012, 12:15 PM
Wow!!!!!! Glad he's ok, and glad you were able to handle it. That's the funny thing with us....as much anxiety that we experience on a daily basis, you would think we would fall completely apart during an actual emergency, but usually, we handle real emergencies quite well and with a level head!!!!

Yes, you definitely got your dose of excitement before you even got to the airport!!!!

10-04-2012, 12:25 PM
Wow!!!!!! Glad he's ok, and glad you were able to handle it. That's the funny thing with us....as much anxiety that we experience on a daily basis, you would think we would fall completely apart during an actual emergency, but usually, we handle real emergencies quite well and with a level head!!!!

Yes, you definitely got your dose of excitement before you even got to the airport!!!!

Theres some evidential truth in the above quote, actually.

Anxiety likes quiet times when we sit & dwell on ourselves.

Real situations call for level thinking / action & provide distraction... often completely overiding our usual, anxious thoughts.