View Full Version : Anxiety is killing me

10-03-2012, 12:52 PM
Hi everyone.. I really need your help. Iv been suffering with anxiety from 11 months now.. At 1st it was on and off, but since june it has become more severe. I had a horrible summer this year and j started to get depressed too. I thought i dad no future, that my life was over. I know exactly how i ended up here, my bf is the main reason.. But the most fucked up thing is that i can break up with him.. I feel like im gonna be alone all my life.. I lost all my self confidence and its making my feel really bad.. The funny thing is that i know im not ugly and stupid and i can get an other guy.. But my mind in playing dome ugly tricks.. Anyways i never took any medication for my anxiety.. Im sorry to say this but i really think docs are making millions with our misery. And i dont wanna see a psychologist, they are telling us stuff that we already know and its not helping : (((( the only thing that help me a little was a book named At least a life, i would recommend that to everyone. That book took away my fears or phobias. The only thing that is left now is the out of body feeling and i feel like im living a dream.. And its a horrible feeling, i know that im not loosing my mind, but it scares me because i cannot keep up with anything.. I really need your help guys, WHAT SHOULD I DO???????!!!!!!!!!!! I would rather did than live like this.... Im loosing my patient and hope.. Please help.. And i'm sorry about this long story, the thing is i dont open up way to much with anybody and i kinda feel a small relive now that im expressing my feelings. Xoxo

10-03-2012, 01:03 PM
Hi, I've been suffering 4 a year & half now, it started after having my baby. I suffer major bad as I am constantly dizzy, light headed 24/7 it's as if I am worried all the time and the dizziness as stopped me in my tracks for 1.5 yrs. I won't stay on my own as I'm scared I will faint etc.. If u can help me I can help you :) hope you find a way to shut it all out :) x

10-03-2012, 01:20 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that.. I'm already done with that phase.. I would really recommend you to read the book At Least A Life, its a wonderful and a cheap book.. It helped me with the irrational fears and the physical symptoms.. The only thing im concerned now is the out of body feeling.. I wish u all the best honey.. : )) dont give up, those fears go away faster that u think it took my about a month.. I had my ups and downs but their gone completely : ))

10-03-2012, 01:23 PM
Im sorry the title is " At Last a Life "

10-03-2012, 03:57 PM
Hey.. I will sure five it a try.. I seem to think that im the only 1 to have experienced the lightheadedness ( have you experienced this ) I literally wake up feeling like this n sleep like it.. It never goes away & leaves me feeling hopeless.. I just cannot shift it.. It's driving me insane.. Gets worse the more I think about it and go into public areas or superstores. Thankyou xxx

10-03-2012, 03:59 PM
Give not five xx.

10-03-2012, 07:38 PM
I used to all the time.. The best thing to do is to ignore it.. Do not worry abt it.. Ur experiencing it because your brain is very tired and it needs a break.. Its very normal just dont worry abt it.. Thats whats giving u a light headed and the foggy feeling.. Like i told u its gonna take a little time but it will definitely go away.. DO THE DIFFERENT OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ALL THIS YEARS

10-04-2012, 10:47 AM
I feel lightheaded and off balance every day. I know it's anxiety but I have a hard time believing it's just anxiety. Ughhh I keep thinking it's a brain tumor or I'm on the verge of having a stroke.