View Full Version : I'm off to Tokyo for 2 weeks :D

10-03-2012, 11:40 AM
Well guys,

I'm all packed and ready to go! I leave for the airport tonight, but heading to my brothers till then so we can all leave together from his place, so dunno if I'll be on later so thought I'd say bye to ya'll right now :]

This is the first time I'll be going on an overseas flight with anxiety. I've kept it under really good control the last few weeks, hardly feel any at all today, but an 18 hour flight in economy class with not much to distract me other than a book, I'm kind of nervous how it'll go. Bringing a few bags of Chamomile tea just in case. I'll miss ya'll :]

Stay strong you lot :]

10-03-2012, 11:55 AM
Have a great time AP :D x

10-03-2012, 02:59 PM
Have a great time!!!!! Let us know how it works for you, the cammomile tea.....as I travel in a few weeks as well. I will be doing the same thing, although my flight is only about 7 hours.

Enjoy your trip!!!!!