View Full Version : I need help.

10-03-2012, 08:33 AM
Hi, everyone. Hope everyone is having a really nice day so far.

Well, I have some issues with anxiety and set out to find a good forum to post on this morning.... I've known about my anxiety for a while, but I've finally come to this point where I've got to get help for it. I'm against pharmaceuticals; so that's out of the question. What type of therapy should I seek for it and is this therapy generally covered under insurance (bcbs)? Are there natural supplements that are helpful?

The only time anxiety grabs hold of me (it feels like an entity that grabs me by the shoulders, shakes me back and forth; I'm in chains, total anguish during these episodes) is when I have to be put on the spot under authority. For example, I have monthly meetings with my managers where we talk about my performance, etc. I feel like a nutcase for days leading up to it and can barely function. It sounds ridiculous. Everything always ends up being just fine, and I get great feedback, but I still can't stop these screwed up thought patterns (well, I DO believe I can; I just haven't figured out how yet). I feel like I act like a spaz and talk too much too when I get like this, and I feel like vomiting. I feel insanely inferior like I'll be "found out". It's absurd. Why can't I just feel calmly confident and accept my competence to a degree that I am at total peace with myself?

It's really strange that I have absolutely no anxiety if *I* am the one to reach out to my managers with something. I feel competent and confident, humbly. There is some trigger inside of me about silently submitting to authority and I think it stems from my childhood being treated like crap by my dad and him not listening to me or guiding me like a father should. I always felt like a burden to him and like a loser. He was verbally abusive. I know these issues stem from this. How can I get over it once and for all? It's totally affected my life. I'm 35 years old. This immaturity and lack of emotional/mental control when I'm under these specific conditions has got to stop once and for all. Life is too precious for this crap. Help!

10-03-2012, 02:41 PM
CBT, education on anxiety and conventional psychotherapy are very good as far as the non the med route go but at some point you might want to reconsider meds.......... depending on how you're going in the future. Now as for supplements, try 5-HTP and maybe chamomille sleepy time tea's as well as Valerian root and/or Passionflower. Some swear by Bach's Rescue Remedy. Alankay.