View Full Version : All time low

10-03-2012, 03:02 AM
Hi I'm liZZIE I'm 24 and have suffered anxcity and intrusive thoughts for 4 years now but this time it's a all time low , I contstantly think I'm going to die from a heart attack , I get chest pain like numbness in my chest I fell dizzy fell like I'm going to die , I went on holiday on Saturday for 2 weeks but i had to come home yesterday cos my anxcity was really bad all i did was cru the hole time i was there i wasnt eating or sleeping because i thought food would cause a heart attack and i wouldnt sleep cos i thought i wouldnt wake up . plz help xweeks but

10-03-2012, 05:37 AM
Welcome to the forum,

I'd first take a moment to read some of the stickies on the General Discussion forum here, there are some real helpful tips in them that can prove VERY EFFECTIVE against anxiety. Chest pains, fear of heart attacks, numbness, and such are all part of anxiety. Right now your body is on red alert, it is making you believe everything is a threat, even things that you used to not even think about. It's doing this because it believes there is a danger, when there probably is no danger at all. To ease your mind, I'd talk to a doctor maybe and just have some tests done to see your heart health and what not. If that comes out normal, you have nothing at all to worry about, and if the anxiety comes back saying "But but but but, BUT what if your heart explodes?!" then you can go "but but but, NOPE. The doctor said I'm fine, so I'm fine. they went to medical school, they get paid good money, they know what they're doing. this is just anxiety trying to scare me." :]

I know though it can be SO SO hard to tell yourself that "This is just anxiety, I need to calm down" Your mind will do EVERYTHING to try and convince you it's not anxiety and that its very real. But you just have to do everything you can to calm yourself and ride out the attack. Put on a cheerful movie, or call up a friend/family member, anything to distract yourself.

what my friend does when he gets anxiety, he immediatly starts doing ANYTHING. He starts folding clothes (even unfolding them just to fold them again), cleaning his room, doing dishes, anything to take the minds focus off of anxiety and onto something else. When I get anxiety, I start playing a Strategy game that requires my thinking to be on nothing else but the game, I find this often helps. Or I watch a funny comedy on Netflix.

10-03-2012, 05:58 AM
Hi I'm liZZIE I'm 24 and have suffered anxcity and intrusive thoughts for 4 years now but this time it's a all time low , I contstantly think I'm going to die from a heart attack , I get chest pain like numbness in my chest I fell dizzy fell like I'm going to die , I went on holiday on Saturday for 2 weeks but i had to come home yesterday cos my anxcity was really bad all i did was cru the hole time i was there i wasnt eating or sleeping because i thought food would cause a heart attack and i wouldnt sleep cos i thought i wouldnt wake up . plz help xweeks but

Hi Lizzie. Are you doing any type of therapy or taking any meds? Just wondering.

10-03-2012, 08:57 AM
Thank you ace , I got checked out 4 years ago , and everything was fine but I wanna get checked out again for peace if mind , I know a lot about anxcity cos I have read ppls experiences on these types if forums that alone helps a lot , I'm currently on 40mg of citrolpam I wanna try see a therapist again , and I wanna stay positive , I let the Anxcity and intrusive thoughts beat me and that's why I'm home now but I just feel so depressed aswell I can't stop crying and I fell very monged and blank right now x x

10-03-2012, 11:58 AM
What's your favorite movie? :] I think right now would be a perfect time to get a bowl of popcorn, snuggle up on the couch with a fluffy pillow and watch it. Maybe make some cocoa too! Just anything that'll make you smile. This may sound really weird for a guy to say, but when I'm getting anxiety, listening to upbeat-like Avril Lavigne songs make it go away lmao :p

You'll grow stronger. I think of beating anxiety as like an Achievement in a video game. Once I get it I can walk around and somebody can say something like "One time, I stubbed my toe, and it was swollen up for like a day!" and I'll be like "Yeah? Well I took anxiety head on...and kicked it's ass." and they'll be like "Duuuuuude..........." because anxiety is something so powerful. And as you grow stronger and are able to fend off attacks better and better, you can take pride in knowing your mental strength is far beyond that of your average person.

Next time you look in the mirror, just look at yourself and say, "Look at that great lookin gal. You know what, there's too much to life than this. I'm not going to let anxiety and depression ruin MY life. I wanna go out and have fun. I wanna be able to sing and dance in the rain at 3 AM for no reason other than that I just love life. I wanna see the world, explore, be free. It ends today. You may have beaten me once, anxiety/depression, but I'm stronger than you think, every time you attack me, I grow ten times stronger, I will never stop, I will never give up. It's game over for you already. Don't even try"


We are human beings. We are elite. We can beat this ;]

10-03-2012, 12:14 PM
That post made me smile , but your so true about everything it's just so much easier than saying than doing , I think it's got to a point were all I can think about is the worst happening , how do I deal with the dread of losing my family or me dying and leaving my family x

10-03-2012, 12:24 PM
Hmm. What do you mean losing your family? Like them dying?

10-03-2012, 12:40 PM
watts your problem ...you can come online so that we can discuss

10-03-2012, 12:49 PM
Yeah ace that is wat I'm scared of , I also get a lot of anxcity like numbness in my chest for no reason , wats that about x

10-07-2012, 12:52 PM
I went to docs and they are sending me for a ECG and blood tests for my own peace of mind , when I said to the doc about my numbness in my chest she said that it is not linked to the heart so I haven't had any pain sense , she is also sending me for cbt and counselling I feel a 100 times better all ready and I'm excited about starting my cbt and counselling x