View Full Version : Chest pain

10-02-2012, 07:45 PM
I get these episodes of chest pain and no matter what .. The advice nurses and doctors say its anxiety because I have had my heart looked at as recent as July , I am scared and hope I don't go to emergency , frustrated !

10-02-2012, 08:23 PM
Hey, you are experiencing what I believe to be the most common side effect of anxiety, it seems to be the one we all have.

It does get better, with time and proper treatment lots of us, myself included see huge improvement and per meant relief. One thing about it as with most symptoms you will find that the more you think about it the more it happens, try to tune it out if possible, and just keep telling yourself that it's not your heart and that you will be fine, after a while you start to believe it.

Also, there is no shame in going to the er, if you feel you need to be seen by a doctor then by all means go, and once they rule out any major medical problems then that will only help you to convince yourself that you truly are okay.

10-02-2012, 11:19 PM
I'd like to believe I will get thru this like others have. I want to have a career and a family someday and not fall to pieces over anxiety. But it seems to me that these physical symptoms bring on the bad thoughts and anxious feelings

10-03-2012, 06:56 AM
Sam I've been thru this, at first it's scary and all kinds if thoughts go into ur head fear of heart problems, scared of dying and just the fear itself of thinking your gonna have a heart attack can be over whelming .. I've been thru this for the past 2 years.. My best advice after you've checked with your personal doctor for any heart conditions and made sure your ok , is just to relax and with time they seem to go away even though they seem to re appear it seems as if slowly they start to fade away, like my doctor told me its your body fighting the anxiety, be more active and don't let it get you depressed where all u wanna do is stay home becouse you feel better, it won't help , gym work , and being active have helped me ..

10-03-2012, 09:36 AM
ANXIETY!! Get something called prescription medication to help get this under control!!
