View Full Version : It Begins

10-02-2012, 06:30 AM
CBT starts on Saturday. I'm quite excited to begin starting. Certainly not expecting an over night cure. But I'm just glad the next step is being taken to help me get control and normality back in my life. I'll keep you all posted on how things go.


10-02-2012, 07:08 AM
Good to hear, man. Glad your taking the next step, I have no doubt it'll be good for you and will help :]
Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

10-02-2012, 02:39 PM
Cbt really helped me i loved going to my sessions because of how good i felt after! Hope they go as well for you!


10-02-2012, 03:20 PM
Yay RagDoll!! I truly hope that Combat Battle Training is the answer to all these issues you've been having to deal with,..its a tough course but I've made it through nearly 300 times so I'll be gunn'in for ya!!

Enduro Dude!

10-02-2012, 05:00 PM
Ed - give Brigitte a big kiss from me, lol