View Full Version : Finally saw my doctor ....paxil anyone?

10-01-2012, 07:49 PM
Anyone have stories with paxil? My dr just prescribed it for me. I haven't started yet. I think I'll wait til morning...also she gave me more Ativan which I've only used twice since last month but I'm glad to have them. I'm not too keen on pills but I'm willing to try. I'm just really nervous about starting them. Also she said the vitamin d3 was a good call but to stick to 2000iu a day. I'm so glad she was so nice and listened to me and agreed to start slow on the meds. I'm suppose to take just one 10mg pill a day of paxil for the first week and then 2 a day and the Ativan as needed. Now I just need to muster up the might to swallow the pill. :/

10-01-2012, 08:18 PM
I took 5 days of Paxil! It almost felt like death! I'm sure the first week is going to be hell but they says it takes up to about 2 to 6 weeks for them to work! I guess it wasn't for me!

10-01-2012, 08:34 PM
I took 5 days of Paxil! It almost felt like death! I'm sure the first week is going to be hell but they says it takes up to about 2 to 6 weeks for them to work! I guess it wasn't for me!

.....thanks. -__-

10-01-2012, 08:46 PM
lol no worries, from what I've gathered, people react differently to prescriptions. One person may completely reject one, only for it to work splendidly for another. You never know until you try :]

tainted lotus
10-01-2012, 09:26 PM
Is anyone else tired of playing the pill-pop game? Especially when nothing seems to help it's so frustrating!

10-01-2012, 10:35 PM
lol no worries, from what I've gathered, people react differently to prescriptions. One person may completely reject one, only for it to work splendidly for another. You never know until you try :]

Thanks a lot ace. I needed that. :)

10-02-2012, 01:01 AM
>Is anyone else tired of playing the pill-pop game? Especially when nothing seems to help it's so frustrating!

Not me. I was prescribed Diazepam for elevated anxiety and or panic attacks and it works a treat. Only for emergencies.

I have not tried anything else.

One useful point is that you should approach drugs with a positive & hopeful attitude. If you start out with "this aint gonna work... this is gonna freak me out" then chances are it will.

Give it a chance and rest some positive hope on it. Don't freak out coz it'll make your anxiety worse if anything.

10-02-2012, 01:47 PM
>Is anyone else tired of playing the pill-pop game? Especially when nothing seems to help it's so frustrating!

Not me. I was prescribed Diazepam for elevated anxiety and or panic attacks and it works a treat. Only for emergencies.

I have not tried anything else.

One useful point is that you should approach drugs with a positive & hopeful attitude. If you start out with "this aint gonna work... this is gonna freak me out" then chances are it will.

Give it a chance and rest some positive hope on it. Don't freak out coz it'll make your anxiety worse if anything.

Thanks dazza. I did take it this morning. Besides blurry vision I am doing okay. :) I just hope this blurry vision crap passes quickly.

10-02-2012, 02:45 PM
I tried many different medication before I found one that worked for me. Finally settled on Zoloft. Hardly any side effects for me.