View Full Version : Question... what would END your anxiety right NOW?

10-01-2012, 04:05 PM
Greetings anxious Earthlings!

What, if anything, do you think would END your anxiety once and for all... right now, right this second?

What news? what test result? what ANYTHING?

If you were to win £10,000,000 ($16,000,000 USD or AUD) tonight - would this cure your anxiety do you think?

10-01-2012, 04:10 PM
I'm not sure....because I truly believe anxiety disorders is just that....a disorder.. I honestly do not have anything in my life that I should be stressed about.....but yet and still, I still suffer from bouts of anxiety. That leads,me to believe that at least for me, its not purely situational anxiety.

10-01-2012, 04:43 PM
There'll be a reason alright... sometimes not so obvious but I guarantee it's there.

If you think about it logically, there HAS to be a reason to be anxious.

By definition, anxiety means worry/concern/issue over the possible (bad) outcome of a situation.
You MUST be thinking something else you wouldn't get anxious - simple as!

10-01-2012, 05:03 PM
I think if I won a bunch of money, I would be a lot less anxious because I would feel financially secure which is one of my fears lol.

10-01-2012, 06:50 PM
Unfortunately, or fortunately..either or. I will be forced to live in a heightened anxietal state probably forever. I'll let you know how it turns out. I am a product of genetics, environment, events, situations,..of my life. I tried to "shut it down" on my own. I believe now, as of about 7pm, that I will continue to function in this mode and see where things go from here. It had prooved to be a very useful tool to have for my own benefit for a very long time. Over 4 decades..my body became dependent upon it for its survival I suppose. My mind grew weary however. Yet, it has now returned but it isnt the kind of anxiety that most people feel that forces them to run the other way. It is just the opposite, but it is anxiety and panic. I am not allowed to run though. I am forced, inclined, feel the need and desire to attack something that has threatened me in some way. Its the way my entire life was anyway, so I'm kinda used to it by now..I am definately thinking differently for sure.

To each their own I say!


10-01-2012, 07:31 PM
I believe if I were to win that much money, my anxiety would indeed be gone for good. My anxiety came about after I was slapped in the face with over $4,000 in medical bills, and no job. Had a panic attack. Started to apply for jobs, every time I'd get an interview, I'd get anxiety and somehow mess it up. I'm not like many people my age, I know many people my age who live around me who, if they got that much money, it'd be gone in a month. New cars and fancy houses and what not. Me? I would see that money as a foundation, I would see it how a sculptor see's a block of stone. A chance to make something great. I'd hire a board of different advisors, and begin immediately putting a good portion of money into different investments. Then I'd buy some franchises at key strategic locations for maximum profit, and I'd just keep finding ways to keep building the money up steadily, until I maybe get an idea of my own for a company, and then build build build, constantly searching for plentiful, exploitable resources primed for acquisition, negotiating business deals that would bring about prosperity for both companies, keeping atleast 5 million secured in savings as a cushion. *sigh* Haha that's like a dream. But my anxiety does come a lot from many of my insecurities, including my current state of "I'm feckin broke", and the fact I have no idea what I want to go to college for because I'm afraid of debt and if the career I chose I didn't enjoy I'd be soooo miserable.

But yeah I think that would end my anxiety. Perhaps not, but if it didn't, I'd have the money to fund a research group completely focused on the studies of anxiety. Open up centers specifically designed to treat anxiety patients, create programs to help recovery and stuff.

10-01-2012, 07:35 PM
If I had 16,000,000 dollars, my stress levels would decrease significantly! But my anxiety is more of worrying about my symptoms! If I can't get rid of my symptoms my anxiety would remain!

Life shouldn't be like the concept of "a box of chocolates" cause my chocolates are pretty shitty right now! Life should be more like a hot bath, it feels great being in it, and the longer your In it the more wrinkled you get!!!

10-01-2012, 08:35 PM
Well, I would say I have a serious case of the "what its". I need to plan everything, down to the smallest detail. I get anxious if something doesn't go according to plan. I don't like surprises at all. Sometimes I feel stressed though, and I honestly couldn't tell you what specifically I am stressed about.

10-01-2012, 10:05 PM
I think that if I managed to stop having full blown panic attacks forever, it would go a long way to solving my anxiety issues.

You know that quote; the only thing to fear is fear itself? That's me in a nutshell. I'm more scared of the panic attacks than anything else.

10-02-2012, 02:55 PM
It is a disorder that gets triggered by something. All you can do is learn to cope with it until a cure can be found or whatever mechanism triggers it can be identified.

10-02-2012, 07:35 PM
For me, it would be not having to work everyday, to not spend my days unhappy. Call me lazy, call me whatever you want, but the root cause is being away from family, I've got 4 awesome kids and the greatest wife in the world and being away from them gets me. I would even be willing to work from home, I think if I could do that then I would have a huge improvement.

Another thing would be the ability to do the things that me and my family want to, be it bmx, martial arts, actually being able to take a vacation, so on.. My current financial state does not allow any of that, so yeah money would help but I don't need to be rich, just have enough money to be able to live how we want and not be in a constant state of worrying about the bills and having no activities or hobbies to relieve the tension.

So to sum it up, for me my anxiety would all but vanish if I had a work from home job making around 50k a year.

10-02-2012, 08:07 PM
Nothing would really, though I would love my own home, even if it was rented. (I'm tired of sharing with my family... no personal space or privacy!)

10-03-2012, 06:04 AM
Greetings anxious Earthlings!

What, if anything, do you think would END your anxiety once and for all... right now, right this second?

What news? what test result? what ANYTHING?

If you were to win £10,000,000 ($16,000,000 USD or AUD) tonight - would this cure your anxiety do you think?

The money would be nice but wouldn't end this crap unfortunately. I think if my husband would get out of the service and stop deploying it would greatly help. Also if he would get out we wouldn't have to move as often and I could be in my hometown with my family. A normal life....that would be great.

10-03-2012, 07:56 AM
to forget, by forgetting some stuffs, such as Panic Attacks, maybe a little of the unwanted past. that would just end this anxiety. maybe.