View Full Version : Greetings from NC (USA)!

03-30-2007, 12:14 PM
Hello everyone!

I can't believe I found this site! I am so glad to find a source where I can get information and support from those who have "been there" with this anxiety thing!

I am a 50-yr-old female, menopausal-- which goes right along with the anxiety, right? :( --and I have battled some awful health anxiety for about 6-8 months. It all started one night when I had chest pressure, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness, which led me to the emergency room thinking "heart attack"-- had all kinds of heart tests and my heart is fine. BUT, ever time I have the palpitations and chest pressure, I'm back to square one with the fear of a heart attack, dying in my sleep, etc. I am currently taking Xanax and am feeling some better, but I have also acquired another bad habit-- improper breathing and I think it is making my chest pressure worse! If anyone out there has any input on this bad breathing thing, I welcome your help!

Anyway, thanks for reading my first post and I hope to get to know you all better in the coming days...

Take care and best regards! from bluewillow :)

03-30-2007, 08:33 PM
Hello there, I struggle with my breathing too. Every time I try to breathe deeply or use a relaxation excersise, I tend to become more anxious and have a raised heart rate. I haven't really overcome the problem but it's gotten better since I've started tell myself to just stop and remember that my heart rate is not out of control (I used to imagine it like a train flying off the tracks), and that I do have a part in bringing myself calm. I've spent a lot of time alone outdoors, in the fresh air, "learning" how to breathe. I think I've improved a lot. Being out in nature has probably been the greatest help to me. I used to pass out frequently and have been to the hospital, at the time I did not know what a panic attack was. I did not know that I always felt ill and tired because of my extreme anxiety, eventually I would become so overwhelemed by large crowds that I would pass out in public. My fear of losing control has always a been a big thing. Sorry if I've rambled. Wish you well.
