View Full Version : Relationship issues

10-01-2012, 12:55 AM
Lately I've been feeling so used by my girlfriend. She just gets so mean sometimes. Shes bipolar, and I have extreme anxiety. I realize that a lot of these things she cant help because its her disorder but she can really hurt me with it sometimes. She just doesnt see what shes doing. And then she gets all mad at me when i have some sort of fear or anxiety. Its like she.doesnt get that i cant help all of those things just like she cant help the things she.does due to her bipolar.
I just really need to learn how to make friends. Then i could have someone to talk to in person about this.

10-01-2012, 05:00 AM
Try and get her to understand you try your best to work trough and understand her disorders that she should for you. Your anxiety should be a concern as much as her bipolar matters to you. When shes calm tell her she was hurting you when she was angry. Maybe if she can, when shes in that mood not talk to you, to avoid conflict. And You can talk to me if you ever need too I'm sure others on the forum would too :)

10-01-2012, 07:27 AM
Just say to her 'dont make me use my pimp hand to backslap you'...wish I could find that video clip!!.



10-01-2012, 07:39 AM
Hi there,

That sounds like quite the difficult situation. Your disorder and hers appear to clash, though neither of you mean them to. It is my belief, that there is little you can do other than just be supportive of each other, and try and see things from the others point of view. Tell her that you are sometimes hurt by the things she says, let her know that your fears and anxiety can not be helped just as her bipolar can't, thus you both must be mindful of each others feelings. Mutual understanding and gaining the support of one another is the goal here. Relationships where both people have a disorder of some sort can be really difficult, but they CAN work :]

Good luck! If you need anything, feel free to message.

10-01-2012, 07:42 AM
Lol at E man.....
I think that you definitely need to have a serious talk with her when things are calm. Explain how she makes you feel, and how you really want her support. Perhaps she has been so wrapped up in her own issues, she has forgotten that she also needs to be there for you too.
U know, I know what you mean, that its hard to make friends. I always seem to have a hard time making friends, especially since I started dealing with my anxiety issues. I don't really call any friends on the phone, but I do try to keep up with them on FB. I don't drive at night, so I can't really make evening plans on my own, and I just don't like to explain why I can't drive...so I end up just staying at home, or only going out with my hubby when his mom or my mom babysits. I just don't have much of a social life, I feel mostly due to anxiety.