View Full Version : Scared I have Lyme Disease please help.

09-30-2012, 04:26 PM
Back in like July 31st and August 1st I had three small ticks which I'm guessing were deer ticks. I pulled them off in like the first 48 hours and didn't find anymore of them. Then during class about a month later this girl gives a presentation about herself and how she has "chronic Lyme disease" and that her life span was shortened from it. She said she didn't know she had a tick and it was just on her for awhile and about like 4-5 years later she got the symptoms and stuff and she says her life span is shortened and stuff and that scared me. In the past I've had major anxiety, and It went away about a year ago and haven't had problems with it since she brought this up, and now it's coming back. I begged my mom to take me to the doctor, and she finally did I got a blood test, and the doctor said It came back negative, but then the girl told me that the blood tests were usually wrong, and that I have to send it to some special lab that specializes in it, but my parents won't do that, and now I'm scared that 4-5 years later I'm going to have like brain paralysis, dementia, organ failure and all this other crap. I'm only 17 and I don't feel like dying at like 25. So someone please help me here. My parents won't send my blood to a lab or anything. The only thing thats really happened is that the tick bites sometimes itch every week or so for about 5 minutes then go away. Please someone help me so I don't have to worry about this for the rest of my life, and have my anxiety ruin my life by feeling like I am sick everyday.

09-30-2012, 04:37 PM
Hi there, I have Lyme and have had many complications (none life threatening). I just found out a few months ago and I have had it undiagnosed for over a year. Don't freak yourself out! You aren't even sure you have it yet so take a deep breath, that girl said her life span was shortened due to is is being DRAMATIC. Lyme is very hard to figure out and diagnose since the CDC doesn't permit doctors to treat for chronic lyme so it can be hard to find places to test and get accurate test results. Did you get the ELISA Western Blot test? You can message me if you want! I know how it feels, even when I was just worried I had it so if you ever want to talk, message me. I can help you figure out how to get good testing and some resources on how to find a lyme specialist. -Laura

09-30-2012, 04:59 PM
Hi there, I have Lyme and have had many complications (none life threatening). I just found out a few months ago and I have had it undiagnosed for over a year. Don't freak yourself out! You aren't even sure you have it yet so take a deep breath, that girl said her life span was shortened due to is is being DRAMATIC. Lyme is very hard to figure out and diagnose since the CDC doesn't permit doctors to treat for chronic lyme so it can be hard to find places to test and get accurate test results. Did you get the ELISA Western Blot test? You can message me if you want! I know how it feels, even when I was just worried I had it so if you ever want to talk, message me. I can help you figure out how to get good testing and some resources on how to find a lyme specialist. -Laura

To be honest I have no idea what the blood test was. I got bit in southern IL. I'm 17 and still on my parents healthcare, but my mom said he sent it to some lab in Wisconsin, but I think she's just saying that to shut me up.

09-30-2012, 06:32 PM
Yea I am 24 and still on my mom's healthcare too. You can call the doctors office and ask what test you got, you don't need your parents permission. Its very important you get that ELISA western blot test, especially since you have early symptoms. You can just talk to the doctor directly and specifically request that test. If your parents don't understand then tell them to go to this site, http://www.ilads.org/, to get some info on the importance of early detection and testing. Everyone who is bit by a tick should be extra cautious and demand you have the proper testing to see if you have contracted Lyme. You have to be an advocate for yourself, so just call your doctor tomorrow!

10-03-2012, 06:01 PM
Ok thanks. ^

10-04-2012, 04:06 AM
Back in like July 31st and August 1st I had three small ticks which I'm guessing were deer ticks. I pulled them off in like the first 48 hours and didn't find anymore of them. Then during class about a month later this girl gives a presentation about herself and how she has "chronic Lyme disease" and that her life span was shortened from it. She said she didn't know she had a tick and it was just on her for awhile and about like 4-5 years later she got the symptoms and stuff and she says her life span is shortened and stuff and that scared me. In the past I've had major anxiety, and It went away about a year ago and haven't had problems with it since she brought this up, and now it's coming back. I begged my mom to take me to the doctor, and she finally did I got a blood test, and the doctor said It came back negative, but then the girl told me that the blood tests were usually wrong, and that I have to send it to some special lab that specializes in it, but my parents won't do that, and now I'm scared that 4-5 years later I'm going to have like brain paralysis, dementia, organ failure and all this other crap. I'm only 17 and I don't feel like dying at like 25. So someone please help me here. My parents won't send my blood to a lab or anything. The only thing thats really happened is that the tick bites sometimes itch every week or so for about 5 minutes then go away. Please someone help me so I don't have to worry about this for the rest of my life, and have my anxiety ruin my life by feeling like I am sick everyday.

The odds of you having it are slim. Just to comfort you some my dad and all his hunting buddies have been bit from ticks since young guys and all are almost 60 now and healthy and fine.....don't work yourself up over this too much Hun.

10-05-2012, 01:49 AM
It's true they are slim, don't get to nervous, I was just giving you some suggestions since you seemed worried! But I am very cautious (and I think everyone should be who is bit) since ignoring it and not getting a simple blood test and antibiotics early (even if you aren't sure you have it) can save you from tons of physical and increased anxiety/mental health issues problems down the road, trust me :/ Better safe than sorry.