View Full Version : Hey, everyone. =)

09-30-2012, 01:22 PM
Hello there!

My name is Vari, and I've been suffering from anxiety for about ten years now. This is the first time I've ever joined an anxiety-related forum, and after a look around, decided that this is the best one. You guys give some great advice, and it's very reasurring to know that there other long-term sufferers out there.

Basically, I've had anxiety symptoms throughout my life - I had OCD which came and went when I was eight-years-old until I was about fourteen. None of this really made an impact on my life, it was just something which was there, brewing silently in the background. When I was about fifteen and going through a turbulent time at home and school was when my anxiety really kicked off. Coupled with depression, this was a very difficult time in my life, but fortunately, I got better. It wasn't until I was eighteen and starting University that my anxiety resurfaced. University was hard; I hated explaining to my tutors about this weird thing I was going through. They were sympathetic, but not very understanding. I didn't make a lot of friends either as I became withdrawn. Ultimately, I was only able to obtain my degree by the skin of my teeth.

It's been nearly eight years since my anxiety has returned, and I still feel very much stuck. I DID feel like I was making some significant improvements in my life; I've started driving lessons (after abandoning them when my anxiety resurfaced the second time around) and I've almost completed my first novel. Most of my problems seemed to appear from social situations i.e. how would people react to me if I got anxious? However, when I started to confront this fear - and it's hold on me loosened - it became replaced by a whole host of others. I must admit, I'm growing fed up. I feel like my mind is playing against itself and my body is constantly 'on edge'.

Basically, has anyone else had this before? Confronting and overcoming one serious aspect of their anxiety, only to be overcome by a whole series of other negative thoughts and fears? I guess it's true what they say; one step forward and two steps back!!

But, I'm not giving up. That's why I decided to join this website. I'm going to make it my goal and educate myself on this condition more. That's where the appeal of this community lies; you guys have been through this/are going through it.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you guys.

Thanks again,

Vari. =)

09-30-2012, 04:46 PM
Lovely to meet you and welcome,i have suffered with anxiety on and off for 10 yrs its an awful thing to have.

09-30-2012, 11:10 PM
Welcome :]

10-01-2012, 01:22 PM
Buckle yer seatbelt!!


10-02-2012, 12:44 PM
I've been there. Breathe
you wrote a novel- so many people aspire to that and you did it. Go you!

it can come in waves. Try to ride it out. Your true friends won't leave you.

10-02-2012, 03:21 PM
Thanks, guys.

Glad I came across this forum. Seatbelt thorougly buckled. ;)

Thanks for the advice, Abel. That's a crucial thing to remember, and certainly something I'm likely to forget when at the peak of my anxiety.