View Full Version : Can anyone help?............

03-29-2007, 03:55 PM
I am new to this forum but anxiety and constant worrying has been in my life for well over 15 years (I am 29 this yr). As I type this I am almost in tears, feel sick with anxiety and simply want to open my front door and run away!
What do I worry about?..What don’t I worry about?!..Everything from talking to someone on the phone, to people around me getting hurt, to the world collapsing on me (ok a bit of an exaggeration there, but I’m not far off the mark). What daft thought have I got on my mind that is making me feel the way I’m feeling right now?…That my (almost) 2 year old daughter will wake up because the next door neighbours are making a noise!!
It’s not a huge thing, so what if she does wake up, she will go back to sleep again. Yet, I’m terrified! I don’t sleep well at the best of times and when she was a baby and DID have us up in the night I felt like death the following day and I’m terrified that I will slip back to that time again. So, from the moment she goes to bed till the moment we get her up in the morning I am on edge and everytime I hear the slightest sound (music, traffic, people, etc) I get the classic anxiety feelings – which I am sure many of you know what they are! I don’t know what to do to stop feeling like this, I hate it! Admittedly I have other worries and anxieties that seem to control my life, but this one is a real nightmare! I don’t know if any of you good people can help? But simply a friendly conversation with someone who knows (really knows) what its like to feel absolutely petrified would be appreciated.
Sorry for babbling away but I am at the end of my tether with things and want and need to change my life….somehow. I certainly do not want my child to grow up feeling the way I do because she sees her mummy a nervous wreck everyday!
Helen (email: [email protected])

03-29-2007, 04:11 PM
Hi I know exactly how you feal, have you been to the doc about it, I go through this every day and like you i have had it long time, I am 28 now and have been having panic attacks since I was 5/6. I am only just getting help now, the last 3 years have been the worse for me, my mum died of cancer 5 years ago i didnt cry or talk 2 anyone as i had a toddler and a 3 mnth old baby to look after and it seemed everyone needed me to be strong, i spent 2 years boiling it up then 3 years ago i developed shortness of breath and heart pulpitations and that was it , i convinced myself i was dyeing of cancer, i hid with this secret for 3 years believeing every day could be my last, I spoiled my kids rotten lavished them with love daily wrote them letters for 'after i was gone' which i hid, it's only 6 mnths ago i confided in my fiance he talked me through it and i decided to see a doctor. she immediatly said i have anxiety. for 2 weeks i seemed ok then slowly the good old symptoms started to come back again. I hardly sleep constantly wanna cry and it's driving me mad, i went to the doc today she said she will get me help a.s.a.p need to wait to hear from the phsyciatrist now.

So I know how you feal, although as yet I can't offer you any support on how to cope as they will be different for us all, my main way of copeing is to sit on the internet so if you fancy a chat I'm pretty much always on msn and i think my msn is on my profile, if not whisper me or something, I know a friendly chat ialways works for me.

If you like westlife even better, they always help me deal with my anxiety lol.

Hope you feal better soon.

03-29-2007, 10:01 PM
I think it is important to dig in and try to see what fear is generating the anxiety.

For example:

Good Anxiety-
You go on a picnic in the woods and a bear shows up. You get anxious, drop your picnic basket, and back away very slowly.

Bad Anxiety:
You go on a picnic in the woods. It is a lovely day and suddenly you get a thought, "what if a bear shows up? What if a bear shows up and attacks me for the food? What if the beart comes and attacks me and I can't out run it? What if a the bear comes and I panic?"

You see the difference? Both anxious situations. Only one is based in reality. It is just something to watch and catch yourself doing.