View Full Version : Swaying head

09-30-2012, 05:15 AM
Hi everyone i have had no physical symptoms off anxiety for about 4 months now which is great and has made me feel loads better and after having it for a year and half i overcome it myself with no treatment or help at all, i have recently over the past few weeks been having dizziness , blurry vision and feels like im swaying again. But im having no other symptons at all is anybody else who has this??

09-30-2012, 05:36 AM
I've conquered my anxiety pretty successfully so far, like you, with no treatment and such and only the awesome help and support from the folks on this forum. Are you feeling stressed at all, like not anxious but, stressed? That could be a reason. Otherwise, I don't know what would cause that stuff other than anxiety, but you usually get the uneasy "Uh oh..." feeling with all that though when it's anxiety behind it.

I'd maybe try relaxing a bit. Some meditation, some tea, relaxing bath with a wet hot towel on the back of your neck, relaxing tunes if you so desire, and see if that makes a difference. Since the majority of my anxiety has disappeared again, I've only gotten tension headaches reoccurring. But hell, I'd take a tension headache over a panic attack or static anxiety any day as Ibuprofen does just fine at ridding of it.

09-30-2012, 05:45 AM
Hi thanks for replying i have been stressed as i split up with my partner 4 weeks ago, it was a bad split aswel but i am doing ok as it was a long time coming, wen my eyesight changes i do get that oh no feeling u was saying, just thats all im getting at the minute just hope it dosent bring nowt else on, i got it all the time b4 wen i had bad anxiety but it stopped, now its only that bit that has come back these past few weeks x

09-30-2012, 06:25 AM
I'm sorry to hear about that. Anxiety is a tricky little thing, it never FULLY disappears as it is an emotion hardwired into our systems from the moment we're born. Our nervous system and what not was put into overdrive and became overly sensitive when we first were introduced to our disorder, this takes time to heal, and quite some time indeed. We can overcome it, and learn to control it, like you said you were panic free for four months. Anxiety always lurks in the shadows waiting for some small opportunity to come out and play tricks on us again, the difference is once we've learned control and conquered it once, we can EASILY bat it in the face when it tries to sneak up again and tell it to "Piss off", because we've conditioned our mind and built up tremendous mental strength during our first fight with it in which we emerged the victor.

So, I believe it will try to sneak in here and there until our nervous system and stuff recovers fully over a course of time. All you need to do, is use what you've learned the first time, and just tell it to back off. When you feel the "Oh no" feeling just take a deep breath and say "It's ok. It's just anxiety again. I'm not going to let it get to me." and try to think of something else or distract yourself. It usually goes away pretty quick then.

Tonight, after being panic free again (Been once before for about 2 months) for a week or two, I started to get the "uh oh" chill, when I heard a door slam and I was the only one home. Turns out, I left the window open in that room. I told the creeping anxiety to piss off and away it went. :] Mental strength :D
Maybe head out with some friends, have fun some and let out some stress. Do what you like and you'll probably find the symptoms will ease again. It usually goes quicker once you conquered it once before.

Good luck!

09-30-2012, 08:13 AM
proud of you AceParaVentura..you've got some solid strengths, talents, and a way with words to help others overcome this hidious disorder. Keep posting and teaching others the many possible ways to cope!! impressed as all get out right now.. and been reading many other good things here today too so this may be a great day!

End Man..