View Full Version : spots in my vision the last 3 times I've had a night out on alcohol.

09-30-2012, 02:23 AM
it's as if I'vew bin stairin into a bright light all night an now when I close my eyes an open them theirs a spot their its in both eyes at the top of the eye.last for a couple of ml secs then gone but it's really scaring me now anxiety ain't helping me at all plz help an let me know if this has happened to thanks

09-30-2012, 04:27 AM
Funny things can happen to our bodies when we are drunk and then hungover the next day. I really don't think it's anything to worry about but the sensible thing to do is not drink then it won't happen and it won't worry you.

09-30-2012, 05:45 AM
I agree with buttercup. If you notice a pattern like this, you might need to stop. Even though it may be enjoyable. I used to love smoking grass, but it started to make me paranoid and lead me into a panic attack, so I gave it up. I'd say it was a healthy decision in the end. Grass made me a lazy mofo, and even though my managers at work didn't mind me coming to work blazed out of my mind and pleasantly zoning off smiling with tomato eyes while a lady yells at me at the cash register because she broke the coffee maker she bought and lost the receipt and I won't accept a return. Sometimes, you gotta give up those things at least while you have anxiety affecting your body. :]

09-30-2012, 07:29 AM
A couple milli seconds? That would be nothing but anxiety at work IMHO. Alankay

09-30-2012, 07:59 AM
Have you ever seen to glowing floaters yet? It last for about a minute and its awesome!! I wish they would stay but the only thing that does stay are tiny black spots in my vision so on occasion I've been known to swat at what I think is a mosquito..it isnt though! Hilarious! You'll be fine...


09-30-2012, 09:36 AM
Yeah after a night of drinking my anxiety tends to be higher than usual, and when I get strong anxiety, I get glowing floaters of phosphenes in my vision. They look like little twinkling stars and they can persist, for me, for minutes on end. I suppose its nothing to worry about, but since I know that's an anxiety symptom, I worry myself further because now I'm aware how anxious I am.

09-30-2012, 09:51 AM
I think the floaters are cool as hell and I dont want them to end! An amebalike firefly and there are at least a half dozen in each eye. The black spots just piss me off because they're always there and not nearly as entertaining as the glowing floaters. I will say however that when your talking to someone and then your vision just slowly fades to black for a few seconds and then returns, that shit was kinda creepy..it was really unsettleing..


09-30-2012, 03:02 PM
well it's been 14 hours since I work up with the spots an they r still their.they ain't floaters the best way I could describe it is when u take a picture an u can still see the flash when u close ur eyes it's like that. I don't see it till I close my eyes then when I open them I can still see it for few secs it's really frightening me now an just don't understand what and why it's happening scared to death that it's the start of some problem I'm goin to have to live with I just don't know how to calm down an take my mind off it.all I've done all day is worry over it.I was have anxiety an panic over my eyes for months strange visual problems kept happening so I went to the options he said my vision was fine an my eye health was fine so that stopped all the panic till now that is.I've got really bad health anxiety I'm always panicking about every little thing like last month I went on the sun bed a few times after the gym an I noted a rash on my side show my gf an she said it looked like a meningitis rash so we did the glass test an rash didn't disappear.I was convinced it was meningitis really started panicking searched the internet for hours till I found that loads of people had the same rash after goin on the sunbeds which instantly calmed me an the rash was gone the next morning lol.that's just one of many things that have happened this past year I just keep finding things to panic about.every time it happens tho I'm convinced it the thing that's goin to finish me off I know it stupid an I feel stupid when I calm down.if ur still reading this thanks for listening to my panic rant lol much love ;-)

10-01-2012, 12:28 AM
Black floaters are completely normal and are usually age-related.

The jelly (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid over time and microscopic fibres within the vitreous clump together... casting tiny shadows on your retina, which you see as a "floater".

You will only notice these if you specifically LOOK FOR THEM! which I suggest you are doing right now!

10-01-2012, 01:01 AM


10-01-2012, 01:14 AM
LOL... now here's a floater...


(Kevin & Perry... you have to watch until the end)

10-01-2012, 01:18 AM
I haven't watched the vid yet but I think I know what happens. HAHA