View Full Version : Sitting up at 3 AM, crying...yay OCD

09-30-2012, 01:21 AM
I'm so lost right now. All I can do lately since being diagnosed with hpv is worry about HIV. I'm sitting up just thinking how I'm doomed to die. My mind is racing and I can't stop it, I honestly feel like I'm having a breakdown sitting awake crying. And all I can do is look up things about HIV and none of it is really helping. I just got tested two months ago and I'm still flipping out ugh I hate everything :( miserable

09-30-2012, 01:25 AM
Aww hey.

Don't read up on it. if you can, try your best to stop yourself from doing that, it's only gunna scare you more. We're all here for you. I read that HPV isn't fatal, or shouldn't be fatal.

09-30-2012, 08:31 AM
hpv has nothing to do with hiv so dont allow your mind to try to make the similar distinction because there isnt one. You're not going to die from this, trust me..Diseases do cause some mental disturbances at times but tend to create more frustration and anger in me more then a disableing sense of worry, crying, sadness..You've gotta be strong because the stronger you are, the less power you allow the diseases to control you.. I have many. Just relax, and please STOP GOOGLEING!


09-30-2012, 09:32 AM
AND, just to add something additional to E man's comment, don't get yourself worked up over the HPV. There are so many different strains of it, and most are the kind that will eventually clear up over time. You will most likely have to go back every 6 months and they will do another test to check the progress ..to see how much it has cleared. They will do a test that will allow them to see how much of it is still left on your cervix. A close relative had to go through the sane thing recently, and it cleared up on its own.
HPV has nothing to do with HIV. Don't even worry about that.

09-30-2012, 06:08 PM
Thank you guys all so much for this. The thoughts have been consuming me lately and I always get mad at myself because after 10 years of dealing with this I should know how to handle it. Logically, I know all the things you guys have written are 100% true, but sometimes it takes other people pointing it out to me for me to feel better. :) thank you! And if anyone wants to talk about anything feel free to hit me up on chat or message me