View Full Version : Venting...Derealizatiion and Prozac

09-29-2012, 03:30 PM
My anxiety issues seemed to have been getting better until a few days ago. I realized my job was causing me a huge amount of stress, so I quit. It was so bad I was having vivid nightmares about the place which would wake me up feeling completely disoriented. Yet, ever since then, my anxiety has been higher than normal, and yesterday I suffered a panic attack. Of course, Dr. Google didn't help at all when I started searching things online and started thinking maybe I've got schizophrenia. Since then, I've been trying to make peace with the fact that I'm not, and that the derealization I feel during my panic attacks is nothing more than derealization.
So now, my life consists of nothing more than Watching TV, sometimes playing computer games, and sometimes being with friends. I've been trying meditation, which was helping me for a while, but now it doesn't seem to have the same effect.
I think I'm just worried about my mental health. The Prozac I've been taking for almost month, I'm not sure if it's helped or hurt me. My mom takes prozac, and it seems to work pretty well for her. Yet I still feel anxious. I'm wondering if when I go in for my next check up if I should try going without Prozac for a while to see if I get better. I'm thinking I might have some negative reactions to it...

09-29-2012, 05:43 PM
Prozac is probably my first choice for depressive symptoms but theres usually a snag when it comes to people with anxiety as it may, and has, caused increased anxiety, nervousness, stimulant effects..it appears it in fact did heighten your anxiety and if this was the prescription from your Dr for anxiety then find a new Dr..Yes, panic attacks are usually brief disconnection periods from reality. Thats normal.. Get some actual anxiety medications if this is the root and real condition that you suffer from unless there are actual depressive symptoms too. Many options available to treat both but prozac as a stand alone is completely useless for a patient with high anxiety..


09-30-2012, 12:36 AM
Everyone responds differently to medications. Prozac can indeed help w/ anxiety. If you've been on it less than a month you're not fully acclimated to it yet. Give it some more time.

I'd also recommend sticking with the meditation. It's a great practice. Sometimes the effects are subtle. Don't have expectations, just make it a regular practice. You will see some benefits, and it has no side effects :-)