View Full Version : Feeling sickly

09-29-2012, 09:03 AM
Hi guys/gals. Haven't posted around these parts for a while (except for the Rescue Remedy post a few hours ago). I've kept taking Buspirone and that has helped me deal with my anxiety. Classes have been going for more than a month now with no major event anxiety-wise.

Last night, after spending a few hours on the computer, I got up and noticed that I had irregular heart palpitations whenever I changed position (usually when bending over or kneeling). In particular, at one point it became so bad that I launched into a panic attack. For a couple moments, it was the worst I remember ever having them. In addition to the extra heartbeats, I felt an odd sensation with my heart itself (I usually feel something mild like that with palpitations, but it was much more pronounced), and became fearful. After standing up for a while, I was able to dispel the panic fairly quickly, but I was so spooked that I didn't even attempt to go to sleep for a good four or five hours - I felt palpitations pretty much immediately whenever I bent over or lied down. Sometimes it felt like a couple in a row. When I did summon up the courage to try to sleep regardless, it was already about 5 AM, and then other symptoms set in. I started to shiver (I'm still wearing a sweatshirt), urinate frequently, get dry mouth, felt tense in general, and I also felt generally crappy, like I did in the early days with anxiety before I even knew/accepted what was really going on with me. Also, this is more psychological, but I don't want to eat anything much for fear of making the situation worse. It's 11 AM now, and I don't think I've even slept an hour, if I've gone to sleep at all.

Anyway, during the early morning hours, I was contemplating going to Urgent Care to deal with this, but it seems I can live without it, at least for the time being. Still feel pretty crappy, though. The only thing I do know is that my temperature seems to be normal, and the palpitations don't seem to be as bad now that it's the morning.

Unlike the other times I've felt bad, there's nobody in real life who I can talk to about this, so here I am. I guess my questions are:
Is this worth getting worked up over? Again, it seemed to be worse than usual, so is this something I should mention to my doctor at the next possible opportunity?
Given that I've been a bit low on sleep recently (pretty much all this last week) and that it's 11 AM, do you think I should try to get more sleep or just wait until nighttime comes around again?

I feel like anxiety is starting to chip away at me... I thought I was able to handle it after the medicine started and my symptoms, for the most part, started going away. But now I just feel kinda 'blah' about it...

09-29-2012, 09:32 AM
Getn ready to TRY to go to work so I will keep this short..
1. Buspar works for some, and not others. It is a pre-historic, non-addictive, first line of defense option for many. It isn't the best anti-anxiety med out there by any means.
2. One thing that stands out to me in your post "it was the worst I remember ever having them". The palpitations, and I'm bettin that the panic attack itself was also prolonged and possibly "the worst you ever remember having" too.. That is the Buspar. It is not going to be your best solution to this problem in fact its already starting to create (paradixical effects) in you. Which means=just the opposite of what chemist designed it to do and what you dont want it to do.
3. Yes, re-visit the Dr and tell him this "pre-historic dinosaur medication" is not working for you. Start over please...
4. It can also cause sleep disturbances and insomnia as well.

Ditch it, change up, and get a better alternative med asap.


09-29-2012, 10:24 AM
Buspirone has been working for me. The only thing I will concede is that the panic attack may have been worse than if I took something else, but otherwise, I have been able to go from day to day without much incident, which I couldn't say without the drug. The attack duration (this one, at least) was actually rather short. Most of my symptoms are gone now (only ones that remain are head pressure, heart pounding, palpitations, and occasional chest pain). I have also been sleeping better too. Obviously last night was different, but overall I think Buspirone is helpful, and don't currently intend to stop it unless this continues.

One of my parents has a history of not doing too well with more 'traditional' antidepressants. I know that everyone reacts differently to them, but still, that's a issue for me. I was hesitant with Buspirone, even.