View Full Version : Bored but socially awkward.

09-28-2012, 11:41 PM
Hey everyone.

Just wondering if anyone else has trouble perusing interests due to being shy, awkward and anxious?

Personally I'm interested in cosplaying and furries, but I am way to shy to join any groups or actually give it a go. I see videos on Youtube of people having fun dressing up as their favourite characters and mucking around, and I think it would be a blast to go out and do that. But I don't have any friends and I'm really awkward around people so I don't know if I could. Why does my life have to be run by such silly emotions? I want to live and have fun! -frustrated-

So anyone have any tips to overcome this? Or have the same issue? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


09-29-2012, 01:17 AM

Well, best buddy o' mine cosplays and goes to ALL the anime conventions around my area. He was scared first time round', but he said when he got there, they were the friendliest people he'd ever met. It ain't like high school where you speak up about your interest and a whole class stares at you like your a damn alien or something.

People actually just walked up to him and started talking, asked him about his costume, complimented it, got a picture together all that. There are some beautiful girls, and good lookin' guys there as well, so you'll likely meet somebody special as well. Hell, my buddy met 2. Dated one, didn't work out, dated the other and hey they've been together for 2-3 years now.

Honestly, I'm afraid of pursuing some of my interests too because I've gotten shy again. In my acting days, oh boy, I was the most confident, great lookin' guy in my high school (I'm 20, so it's been like 2 years since then but alot changes in 2 years), I had girls all over me, I felt great, I won awards... Then ... I graduated. Sat in my room playing WoW for these two years. I'd like to go out and take up swing dancing or something, another martial art, go rock climbing, just anything... but I'm self-concious as hell these days. I'm afraid of looking like an idiot trying these new things. I'm also awkward in social situations now because I'm not too sure of who I am anymore. But!!! I'm working on that again. Anxiety has helped me start to build a new life for myself. I've quit video games, I've quit drinking soda, I've started working out again, and I went to the club for a little bit tonight with some buddies and tommoro I'm going bowling.

You just have to, take a deep breath and get out there and accomplish those dreams because that's what life is about. Who cares what people think about you, just be who you are. Be awkward and shy, somebody outgoing and kind-hearted will likely find you at a cosplay convention thingy and help you break out of your shell. I'm assuming your likely around my age (20), because that seems to be the age most people are into cosplaying ( I could be wrong), but that means we have many many years ahead of us, but it'll pass us by quicker than anything if we don't get on the ball and start enjoying it. Do it for yourself :] Make new friends. Take a chance. You may find yourself happier than you ever been.

Goodluck :]

09-29-2012, 03:48 AM
Thanks AceParadox, you've made my day. :)

I guess I am just gunna have to make that leap and get my butt out there, heh, I'm terrified though and not entirely sure where to start. *shrugs* I'll figure it out I guess.

Anyway thanks for sharing and good luck with your future en devours too, they sound really interesting.

Oh and as a last note, I'm 21. How bout that. XD

09-29-2012, 07:58 AM
Start online honey!

Join some forums and make some friends in internet land first and then you'll have people to talk to when you make the big leap out there.

I have made some awesome life long friends online through my odd interests. The furry scene looks hilarious AND you get to cover up completely. So what have you got to be afraid of?

There are so many things I would like to do, but I'm too scared of my anxiety to go through with. My only hobbies are tv, work (so sad!) and running - alone - well with my dog.

I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and do SOMETHING. I'm going to enrol in Zumba classes. I got a 10 for $19 scoopon and I'm going to do it!

(Thanks you guys and good luck!!)

09-30-2012, 11:58 PM
Thanks lauran, and good luck to you too!

Online is a great way to meet people, though honestly I can't seem to ever manage long term friendships. I guess I can be just as awkward online then in real life at times.. derp. Though I have met heaps of great and interesting people online and could not have survived without some of them, you can meet some really kind people out there. If only I could meet them in real life too! XD

10-01-2012, 12:04 AM
Have you tried the MeetMe facebook app? That's a cool way to meet people near you who are our age. OkCupid as well, but that's mainly for dating I think.

10-01-2012, 12:24 AM
Thanks, I will try that out. :)