View Full Version : New and worried..

09-28-2012, 09:04 PM
Okay so I'm only 18 and I have anxiety i only found out i have it about a week ago and I keep worrying that I'm going to have a heart attack I've pains in my chest each side and arms I don't know if its my muscles but I'm just so paranoid is this normal?? :)

09-28-2012, 09:18 PM
Welcome to the forums.

Yep, I'd say that's pretty normal. If you'd like, you can see a doctor just to make sure, it usually gives you peace of mind. If the doc says nothing is wrong, then nothing is wrong, it's only your mind. That's what I've found out in my experience at least. Panic attacks are scary, they make us feel like we're going to die, like nothing is worth it, like we're gunna either die, or end up in a straight jacket. But it's just what anxiety does, it's "Fight or flight" in full force. Your body just went to defcon 1 , all stations are on red alert as your body BELIEVES there is a threat to your life occuring. It basically things you're about to be mauled by a giant tiger... but there usually is no tiger, it's just a "False alarm"

Read some of the stickies on the general section here :] A lot of helpful success stories and ways to ease anxieties effects as you recover from it :]
Just know that you CAN recover from this. You just gotto keep your head high :]

Welcome again, feel free to ask anything you wanna know.