View Full Version : wow..I worked for 9 whole hours this week, and I'm sore as HELL!! (sigh)

09-28-2012, 05:19 PM
It even hurts to type this, even after an NSAID, tramadol, norco, and a friggin xanax just to top things off! That was 4 hours ago and I'm holding my breathe to walk, to sit, to type, and everyone has said "focus on the positive".. OK! WHERE IS IT AND I WILL!! 120 days living in chronic pain is frustrating the hell outta me! Well, minus 3 days that were glorious and painless but I can't reproduce them because they were created by huge amounts of prednisone and you can't take that long term because it will shut down your adrenals over time. Yeah, 9 hours of hard physical work=I'm totalled out.

I hope everyone else is fairing abit better then I here. Hopefully you can at least walk around with huggin the walls and hangin on to things anyway. I've got just about everything one could need to be painless and numb but nothing seems to be working whatsoever. I just took some turmeric too, I have nothing to lose at this time. Oh, and I learned lastnight that the fella that was supposed to do all of my heavy lifting..started his own construction company so I guess it'll be left to me. Also learned that my local city Gov is going to spend $500k to purchase and restore Old Homes today too, that's f**kin great considering I was always the guy that they would look for to get them done. I can not assist them with spending the money, and placing it into my pocket anymore. That's so nice to know..

Win some, lose some..Oh well.

Have a great weekend all!

(E) :/

09-28-2012, 08:58 PM
Hey, just a suggestion (maybe a dumb one) but why don't you be a crew chief, if the city's got big bucks to spend, and they trust you then why not get a small crew together and make that money?

Just a thought.

09-29-2012, 12:38 AM
Is it just restoring old buildings you do or do you build new ones too?

09-29-2012, 05:08 PM
Have you tried Dexamethasone? I know you probably already know about it. I just came across it while reading about something else.

09-29-2012, 05:33 PM
Thanks for your thought Chill and J89. The problem with being a crew chief is the fact that I have no idea what the next day will allow me to actually do. It is the unpredictabilty of this disease that will limit my ability to be consistently productive. I can't even depend on myself now, so I wouldn't place others into a position to be dependent upon me. I accept that, because I must.

I have a bottle of (glucocortoids) here. The problem with them is that if you continually introduce an exactly similar steroid into the body that is manufactured in a lab, that at some point the adrenal glands will become accustomed to them and the risk is that the adrenals will no longer see the need to manufacture certain steroids, hormones, pro-hormones, as needed by your brains commands..Synthetic steroids have a place to stop the attack of the disease and are excellent pain killers but there's a limit to their use and it is tricky and hard to calculate the timing or use of them. What I am feeling now and have been for a long time is the damage the attack did in the 60 period that passed before the progression of the disease was actually stopped. This damage is more then likely permanent. RA is an evil, sinister, sneaky, destroyer of lives that virtually no one understands.. I accept this too, because I must.

The (E)..

09-29-2012, 05:35 PM
Thanks for your thought Chill and J89. The problem with being a crew chief is the fact that I have no idea what the next day will allow me to actually do. It is the unpredictabilty of this disease that will limit my ability to be consistently productive. I can't even depend on myself now, so I wouldn't place others into a position to be dependent upon me. I accept that, because I must.

I have a bottle of (glucocortoids) here. The problem with them is that if you continually introduce an exactly similar steroid into the body that is manufactured in a lab, that at some point the adrenal glands will become accustomed to them and the risk is that the adrenals will no longer see the need to manufacture certain steroids, hormones, pro-hormones, as needed by your brains commands..Synthetic steroids have a place to stop the attack of the disease and are excellent pain killers but there's a limit to their use and it is tricky and hard to calculate the timing or use of them. What I am feeling now and have been for a long time is the damage the attack did in the 60 period that passed before the progression of the disease was actually stopped. This damage is more then likely permanent. RA is an evil, sinister, sneaky, destroyer of lives that virtually no one understands.. I accept this too, because I must.

The (E)..

09-29-2012, 05:51 PM
I think cold weather aggravates it? You need a young reliable employee to do all the heavy lifting :) or a desk job lol

09-29-2012, 06:09 PM
Or you should move here. You'd probs get your rent paid, get given a car with a badge that says you can park wherever you like, free healthcare, maybe even free meds!

09-29-2012, 06:16 PM
I've spent 30 years babysitting grown men, those days are gone too. Moving to the UK would require either flying, or being in the middle of the ocean on a ship. Neither which I am in control of, so..I wont be moving overseas!! LOL! I will hang by a rope 150' in the air, off the side of a church steeple but I will NOT fly nor take a cruise either.. WEIRD!! I'll be fine, just alot of new life reconstruction to do. Just another challenge is all..


09-29-2012, 06:20 PM
GOT IT! Become a pilot. Haha. Ima coming over across the pond next year. Can't friggin wait!

09-29-2012, 07:42 PM
That's funny in its own way, I like extreme sports, I also love to fly. However I won't frigging go near a roller coaster or climb a tall ladder.. Strange huh?

09-29-2012, 07:52 PM
I love roller coasters, can tolerate flying but fuck climbing a ladder!

09-30-2012, 09:55 AM
If you read the post about vision, being a pilot wouldnt be my best bet either, nor fun for the passengers when the plane suddenly takes a nose dive for a few seconds while my vision goes blank! WEEEEEEEE!!! WTF!!! everyone screaming in horror!!! OMGAWD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!! and then I get on the speaker, "its all good, just blacked out for a min and we'll be landing at Paris Intl in 9 more hours"...:)


09-30-2012, 10:12 AM
Lmao!! :)

09-30-2012, 10:20 AM
"This is your Captain speaking and I am temporarily blind but will regain my vision in a few moments I hope, in the mean time however, buckle up f**kers and begin trying to figure out how to kiss yer ass goodbye as a precautionary measure in case I do not regain my vision, focus, and control of this human missle..thank you'...

bahhaahaahha!!! baahaahaa!!!

09-30-2012, 10:26 AM
LOL do not bother assuming the crash position, we're not gonna make it out alive. Thanks for flying with e-man airways!

09-30-2012, 10:41 AM
there's something on the wing..some..thing....LOL!

09-30-2012, 10:54 AM


Yes, I have one right here. It's bulky but i consider it a carry on
