View Full Version : Rescue Remedy

09-28-2012, 12:21 PM
This thread is just about Rescue Remedy and my personal thoughts on it :)
For a while i had been using the spray, it works incredibly well but has a funny taste, I've gotten used to it and quite like it now.
However, my boyfriend has started to get bad anxiety and stress, so i thought i would pick him up a bottle and the range of choices was unbelievable!
I only thought there was a spray and dropper form but, No! Theres chewing gum which tastes delicious! Gummy stars for children, gummy sweets for adults, liquid tabs, night time spray and one that shocked me, Lip balm!
I always feel conscious using my spray in public but now i feel more comfortable using chewing gum or the lip balm :)
The lip balm is so discreet it comes in a frosted glass pot with a white lid, very nice looking!

This was just a page to give people advice because i only ever see people asking about the spray or dropper :) theres more options to chose from!

09-28-2012, 12:50 PM

I'm gonna have some with vodka later... and on my cereal in the morning

09-28-2012, 06:24 PM
Eh? What's this rescue rememedy? *googles* I'm surprised I've never heard of this.

09-28-2012, 08:14 PM
I have this to spray in my dogs mouth when he starts having a seizure. Never thought about using it on myself! Does it work?

09-28-2012, 09:25 PM
I've tried it and it didn't help me ;( I also tried several of the droppers at the health food store too.... I believe that i have severe panic attacks/anxiety though.....

09-29-2012, 01:39 AM
In the 1930's, Doctor Edward Bach found that various flowers and herbs helped toward our various, negative emotions.

By mixing the various herbs (and 27% plum brandy - I might add) he came up with what we now know as "Rescue Remedy"

His discoveries were scientific and tested successfully on many clients. The ingredients were said to "unlock" the natural healing power
of the body.

I take it (in drop form) sometimes in chamomile or decaf tea and, placebo or not, it seems to help somewhat.

This won't passify a full-blown panic attack, but it certainly seems to help steady-state anxiety.

Part of the success of this and any similar product is the persons willingness for it to work.
If you convince yourself it's going to work then it just might.

Let's face it... our anxious conditions came about because we've convinced ourselves that the fears we have are REAL.
Mind over matter.
So, why not convince yourself that Rescue Remedy is the cure for your everyday anxiety?
Yes, there is scientific backup that this stuff CAN work... but it also largely depends on the person trying it.

Give it a go... but try pre-conditioning yourself for it. Let it work for you.

09-29-2012, 01:49 AM
I may have to pick some of it up before I go on holiday next week. the chewing gum sounds good.

09-29-2012, 02:09 AM
I've been using it at the onset of panic or stress, and I'm rather surprised at how it seems to help, given how it's not scientifically proven to do anything. It's not an end-all solution, but it helps. I used to take it with a cup of water, but now I just use it directly on the tongue.

09-29-2012, 03:13 AM
The chewing gum got me through some anxious flights and worked a treat.

I haven't had much success with the dropper - I take it and feel better for a couple of minutes and then kablam! The anxiety comes back.