View Full Version : Phobia and Anxiety - diarrhea - HELP!!

09-28-2012, 09:44 AM
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. One of my friends suggested it... And I need your help!!!

About 6 months ago I had horrible food poisoning - at least that's what the doctors at the hospital told me. Right before I went to the hospital, I had a horrible episode of panic attacks (fainted 3 times and lost feeling in my entire body). I really felt like I was dying. I had horrible diarrhea.

I'm 27 old female and very healthy. I do constant tests and exercise regularly. However, since that incident I've been having horrible anxiety. I'm afraid this would happen to me again! So I've changed me diet, became vegetarian in the hopes of avoiding food poisoning and diarrhea.

Diarrhea triggers my anxiety. As soon as I eat out or something that I suspect might have make my stomach react anxiety kicks in - and I get constant diarrhea which makes my anxiety worse because I've developed a diarrhea phobia!!

I'm being irrational!! I think that I might have horrible dehydration from my diarrhea and die! I can't control my thoughts and sometimes this goes on for days!!

I'm in my last year of law school and my phobia of having diarrhea is interfering with my daily activities!! HELP!! How do I get over this?? It's been 6 months :(

09-28-2012, 09:53 AM
Diarrhea phobia, huh? lol... not good.

Guess you avoid curries like the plague now eh?

Tell ya what, a good old pan splatter does you alright from time to time. Clears you out.

Chances of dying from it are almost zero. You'd need to be squitting through the eye of a needle for a few weeks until you'd start dehydrating... by which time you would have long before gone to hospital and had it treated anyway.

09-28-2012, 09:56 AM
came in for lunch (sore as hell) and I think I just sharted..jus sayin


Deoxy Starchaser
09-28-2012, 09:58 AM
You may want to speak to someone if you think it has become a phobia, get some therapy. Diarrhea is increases and is a symptom of anxiety, don't ask me the details. Keep up the healthy lifestyle as anything else can only worsen things.

09-28-2012, 10:12 AM
People develope anxiety over every and anything . I would deffinatly talk to your doctor ... Make sure u drink plenty of water and try to find some peace ... Meditation , breathing exc ... Whenever I get anxiouse or panicy I get an upset tummy to. But never causes panic , so I think u should talk to your doc. Are u in therapy ?

09-28-2012, 10:20 AM
Thank you soo much for all of your replies!! I'm loving this forum! Soo helpful!!

I thought I was the only human with this kind of phobia. I'm not in therapy because I didn't think my family doctor would take me seriously when I would tell her I have "diarrhea phobia" that I'm afraid to eat at times!!

I told her I was having horrible anxiety so she prescribed me some anti-anxiety pills - the minimal dose. I took it for two days and then threw them out. They made me very nauseous and lost my appetite completely. I know I didn't give them a chance to do what they're supposed to do - but I didn't want to get 'hooked' on these pills. I know there's nothing wrong with me - it's all in my head, so I really want to fight this without the pills.

I have an appointment with my doctor later in day today, I will try to ask her to refer me to some therapy...

09-28-2012, 10:53 AM
Try b12 , lavender oil and maybe even something to calm your tummy... I take Ativan as needed for when I'm panicy and it has been my life saver ! It gives me minimal side effects , only a little sleepy .... But deffinatly calms my nerves Nd I take .5 wich is low.... But you have to eat ! Not eating can make your panic worse and if you are taking meds it's important to not take them on an empty tummy or you will feel even worse ! But I think therapy is key. And if you don't feel comfortable with talking to your doctor about this then get a specialist that deals with anxiety or find a new doctor ... You don't have to live like this

Demon Cleaner
10-08-2012, 03:45 AM
One word Bentyl

10-08-2012, 05:16 AM
Only ever "followed through" once.

I did a massive blow-off at home in my office but didn't realise I had the squits.

OOps... made me laugh though!

Fortunately I was at home alone!

10-08-2012, 06:45 AM
When I first got anxiety, I was on the toilet more than I have ever been in my entire LIFE!!

The anxiety kicks everything into overdrive - including the digestion and metabolism of food.

I'm back to normal now - some things that might help are keeping an immodium with you and eating bananas (their the opposite of a laxative), whilst steering clear of overly stimulating food/drink: coffee, curry, spicy food, etc.

Do go and see you doctor because you may have other tummy issues other than the phobia-anxiety catch 22.

Good luck x