View Full Version : Phobia and Anxiety - HELP!!

09-28-2012, 09:42 AM
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. One of my friends suggested it... And I need your help!!!

About 6 months ago I had horrible food poisoning - at least that's what the doctors at the hospital told me. Right before I went to the hospital, I had a horrible episode of panic attacks (fainted 3 times and lost feeling in my entire body). I really felt like I was dying. I had horrible diarrhea.

I'm 27 old female and very healthy. I do constant tests and exercise regularly. However, since that incident I've been having horrible anxiety. I'm afraid this would happen to me again! So I've changed me diet, became vegetarian in the hopes of avoiding food poisoning and diarrhea.

Diarrhea triggers my anxiety. As soon as I eat out or something that I suspect might have make my stomach react anxiety kicks in - and I get constant diarrhea which makes my anxiety worse because I've developed a diarrhea phobia!!

I'm being irrational!! I think that I might have horrible dehydration from my diarrhea and die! I can't control my thoughts and sometimes this goes on for days!!

I'm in my last year of law school and my phobia of having diarrhea is interfering with my daily activities!! HELP!! How do I get over this?? It's been 6 months :(

09-28-2012, 10:09 AM
Holy shit! ..literally.
1. Eat whole wheat products, vegetables, and have a glass of fibermix from the local store.
2. Drink water, tea, minimal coffee, then more tea. (green).
3. Take a ginger supplement to stabilize digestion, intestines.
4. Go see a Dr. and ask for something to calm you down too. (My gf is a Judge for 20+ years, went to school till she was 29, and had the EXACT same issue as you do) She just takes a .25 xanax prior to "Performing Publicly" then she's fine..

and quit thinkin about pooooo!

PS: The only way you could die from the squirts is to stay in that condition for nearly 7 solid days..highly unlikely.

Have a nice splatter free day newbie!!

Mr. E...:)

09-28-2012, 10:24 AM
Thank you so much for your reply!! I was reading your reply while studying at the library and it made me laugh out loud!!

I will hopefully get over this - without any meds!!