View Full Version : anxiety + pregnancy

09-28-2012, 09:14 AM
When my husband and I decided we wanted to try for baby #2, my primary care physician asked me to wean off my anti-anxiety medication. I was taking lexapro, which is a class C drug, and not recommended for pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. I thought I would be fine without it, and my doctor said that sometimes anxiety goes away during pregnancy.

Luckily, I got pregnant on my first cycle (hooray!). I'm not very far along now, only about 4 1/2 weeks.

The anxiety is manageable, for the most part. In the afternoon/evening I feel fine. Occasionally I have brief moments of anxiety, but I've learned how to deal with them better (in therapy) so I get past them pretty quickly.

The worst part is the MORNINGS. I wake up every day with severe anxiety that lasts for hours. I've been waking up early because of it (6 am). So from 6 am - 11 am every day my chest feels tight, my breathing is fast, my heart feels like it's beating hard (even though it's not) and I just generally feel uneasy ... like something is wrong. Even though there's nothing to be stressed about.

Any suggestions for coping with this? I really don't know what to do. I don't want to go back on medication, but I will if I can't get over this morning anxiety. I don't think I can do this every day for the next 8 months.

09-28-2012, 02:49 PM
Hi there and congrats on Baby #2 on the way!!

I am new to the form (a few month) and deal with anxiety, but also specialize in Music therapy for Pregnancy and NICU, preemies, and newborns.

I hope some of my suggestions will help lesson your morning anxiety.

Try not to go back on a medication that can be harmful during pregnancy, try asking your doc and therapist if there are drugs that are more folic acid or natural based than chemical, which will release into your bloodstream, which also travels to your baby.

When you go to bed at night try and have the room dark, if you need a light, then get a nightlight or put your bathroom light on and leave the door cracked to where a little light shows into your bedroom.
Have the tv off and no distractions.

Light a candle with vanilla or other scents that you enjoy, and there are some cheap ones that are calming candles, and help with overall sleep and help with nightmares and bad dreams.
If you have a cd player or small radio, put in a cd with low classical music on it, or even a cd with rain sounds, streams, birds whistling. (nature sound cd's).
(i know it may sound weird, but these listening to music practices do help sleep in children and adults alike).

Try drinking chamomile tea with honey before bed, or there is a nighttime hot chocolate that helps calm your nerves, so you aren't restless when you fall asleep.

Sleep with a pillow in between your knees to help your body feel comfortable in case you are tossing and turning at night and you aren't aware it is happening.

When you wake up get some Epson salt and run a warm bath, sit on the side of the bathtub and soak your feet, this will help relax your muscles in the morning.
Light a candle in the bathroom with a not strong sent, some aromas will help you to feel calm.

Make sure to eat a balanced meal when you wake up.
Banana, hard boiled egg, or scrambled eggs, stay away from too much salt, eat some fruit, or a bowl of cereal, oatmeal, or whatever you like, but make sure it isn't a small meal, you need the energy to help your body stay away from that feeling of being anxious mode.

Take a walk in your neighborhood, or if you are a member of a gym or the YMCA, go walk the track or take aqua zumba (swimming zumba class).
exercise and fresh air will help release Endorphins and Serotonin.
Both these chemicals can help boost mood and relieve pain symptoms, and will decrease depression.

Try to get into a morning routine, so then your brain and body don't feel out of sorts and then you worry if you wont get something accomplished during the day.

During your walk or workout, get headphones and put music on your phone or ipod or mp3 player.
Get a variety of genres you like.
Music jump starts the brain and helps motivate and relax you as well.

Anxiety symptoms can be lessened through the use of music in various ways, but also look at your gyms schedule, the YMCA offers yoga classes free (since you pay a monthly membership).
Yoga helps you learn breathing techniques that are vital when an attack comes on sudden, but it also helps your bodies overall flexibility and once class can leave you relaxed and feeling good a few days afterward.

Take care of yourself!

09-29-2012, 09:10 AM

I am sorry to hear that you suffering. I'm not sure I can offer any advice but wanted to post as I am going through a similar situation. I am slowly coming off my meds (citalopram) as my husband and I want to start a family.

Since I have been taking Citalopram I have felt so much better and now I am so scared that I am going to go back down again! I know I need to think positive but its so hard. I have been feeling worse the last couple of days and although I dont mean to let it, Im sure reducing my meds is playing on my mind.

I am hoping that as soon as I am pregnant, my mind will be preoccupied. I just want to get on with the rest of my life. I cannot let anxiety stop me doing the things I want to do. Although I am sorry that other people are suffering, it is nice to come on here and find I am not alone. Unless you have suffered with anxiety, I think it is very hard to understand.

I hope you start to feel better soon and congratulations on the pregnancy. :)

10-08-2012, 05:19 PM
Is there anything you're doing in the mornings which might be causing some stress?

If so, it might be worth doing that/those thing(s) in the evening before?

I.e. try and change your morning routine if possible. It may help.