View Full Version : Begining therapy and anxiety

09-27-2012, 11:12 PM
Hello all, I am new to this site and I have been in counseling now for about 6 weeks and I have found that my anxiety has been getting worse. My therapist did tell me that this is normal for the anxiety to get worse before it gets better. I was curious if anyone else that has been in therapy longer than me that has experienced this as well and if it did get better for them because I feel like I'm going backwards trying to get a handle on my panic attacks.


09-27-2012, 11:15 PM
Hi there,

Just wanted to say Welcome to the forum. I can't really comment on the therapy thing because I haven't been to a therapist. But! I can say it DOES feel like anxiety gets worse before it gets better. before , my anxiety got really bad before suddenly just dropping off for a while :]

09-28-2012, 12:02 AM
Welcome friend..


09-28-2012, 10:17 AM
Thank you!! :) I have been battling with anxiety/panic attacks now for close to ten years. Some years/months/days are better than others. I have been taking Effexor for about 7 of those years and I'm going to try and get off of it in the spring and see how it goes. I'm not looking forward to the withdrawals though. From what I read it's quite horrible.

09-28-2012, 10:20 AM
Thank you!! :) I have been battling anxiety/panic for close to 10 years. It's nice to see there is an easy and helpful outlet right from my phone. :)

09-28-2012, 11:03 AM
Hello all, I am new to this site and I have been in counseling now for about 6 weeks and I have found that my anxiety has been getting worse. My therapist did tell me that this is normal for the anxiety to get worse before it gets better. I was curious if anyone else that has been in therapy longer than me that has experienced this as well and if it did get better for them because I feel like I'm going backwards trying to get a handle on my panic attacks.


I have been dealing with anxiety for ten years and have been hospitalized at least about 6 times.. My anxiety is very very disabling and most of those years I have been extremely ill. I was in counseling many of those years. It did not help me one bit. Anxiety disorder is a medical illness and needs to be treated by a psychiatrist. Medication is a must. I just got out of the hospital last month. The psychiatrist there put me on seroquel along with the wellbutrin and lithium I take for my bipolar I disorder. I also take propranolol for anxiety. that is a blood pressure med that helps stop the flow of adrenlin. I also take valium as needed for my anxiety. The seroquel stopped the sickening anxiety symptoms dead in their tracks and I have been symptom free ever since. I had been extremely ill, even to the point of throwing up since Jan 2011. I threw up 40 pounds. When I went to see my regular psychiatrist and told her about the seroquel she was very happy for me and Rx'd it for me along with my regular meds. I go back to see her in Nov. She says at that time we will start weaning me off the lithium which is ok with me b/c it gives my hands the shakes and gives me blurred vision. I am so glad I found the seroquel. I don't remember how long it has been since I was symptom free. I am actually very happy now. Hang in there with your therapist. It could very well help you. If you need meds, don't be afraid to take them. I wish you the very best. May God go with you.