View Full Version : I really need help...

09-27-2012, 08:22 PM
I started having anxiety attacks about 4-5 years ago. Really bad ones between 5-10 times a day that had me in the ER everytime it happened. Then about a year and a half later they just stopped. I've had no problems with anxiety at all since then until a couple months ago. In the last 3 weeks it's gotten to the point that I'm back in the ER almost every night, I can't work, and I'm terrified to be by myself. Everything about my anxiety is centered around death. I feel like I can't eat anything because my mind tells me that I'm going to have some sort of fatal allergic reaction even to things I've eaten all my life. And I've never had a seizure before in my life but when I'm driving I'll feel like I'm going to have a seizure and lose control of my car and no one will know what happened and I'll die. Now I've even started thinking that I'll have one even when I'm at home or if I go to work. And I think I have a touch of separation anxiety. I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 6 months and we've rarely been apart longer than a few minutes. Now I've gotten to where if he's away from me at all I start freaking out. Like the other night he was in the hospital and I left to go literally like 6 blocks away to get us some food and the further away I got the more I was freaking out but on my way back, the closer I got the better I felt. How do I get better with any or all of these issues?

09-27-2012, 08:41 PM
Anxiety has a nasty way of coming back. It goes dormant and prowls like a tiger and looks for a moment when it can attack again, which is usually after another event that sparks fear in our hearts. Like losing a job or having a pet die or something of the like. When it comes back though, we're so used to NOT having it for the period it wasn't prominent in our lives and it hits us HARD, like it did when it first began. Because our guard is down and we didn't expect it. From there, you have to find it's source. What happened a couple months ago that caused the anxiety to return?

Also, it sounds like you have it pretty bad. But use your past experiences to your advantage. You said your afraid of having a fatal allergic reaction to things you've eaten fine all your life? Try your best to convince yourself that, and I know it's the hardest thing in the world to. But like take a deep breath and say "Now what in the hell? I've eaten this all my life, I'm not going to die to a banana or a rice cake.". That MIGHT work. Atleast it did for me.

Have you given any thought at all to medication? That may help when you need to quickly calm yourself down while driving or something, or when out and about. Also, have you seen a counselor at all?